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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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To try and make party political points out of this is beneath you.

I'm sure that all political parties have probably had a hand in it, if only by turning a blind eye.

The whole issue really is the lengths the establishment will go to to cover up wrongdoing, so proof is going to be very hard to come by, but it is there.


Victims and witnesses have been routinely ignored and evidence has gone missing, people have been threatened and intimmidated; of that there is proof.


That alone, I think, is proof that something is seriously amiss.


When it comes down to one person's word against another why should an Mp be considered 'more honest' than the man in the street? They hardly have a good track record in that area. The fact that people are no longer shocked by these revelations speaks volumes and should be worrying in itself.


It has to be remembered that the bottom line is about innocent children, whose lives' have been ruined.


They seek justice, which even in the modern UK, is their right.


Excellent post. Thank you. Couldn't agree more or have put it better.

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hope this is investigated and convictions are made http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30534235


I suspect government are trying to waterdown the issue of Operation Fernbridge and merge with others to waterdown the reflection to the 1980s government. The fact that some material has seemingly been removed from the Internet suggests this ... oh and a few murders of key witnesses helps too

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hope this is investigated and convictions are made http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30534235


If they'd have made a film about this 5 years ago, people would have dismissed the idea as far fetched and unbelieveable.

Yet here it is an investigation into members of the establishment sexually abusing, and mudering vulnerable young boys.

Very senior policemen, and MI5 have also been implicated in the case of Cyril Smith http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/cyril-smith-child-abuse-mp-3421467

All too shocking and believeable

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I suspect government are trying to waterdown the issue of Operation Fernbridge and merge with others to waterdown the reflection to the 1980s government. The fact that some material has seemingly been removed from the Internet suggests this ... oh and a few murders of key witnesses helps too


and to prove a point http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/pm_dismissive_of_historical_sex_abuse_claims

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To be fair, that's only Danzcuk's impression of events. Granted, he's much closer than we are to where all of this is being played out....And it is very much within the remit of the office of Home Secretary than it is of the office of Prime Minister.

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Did anyone watch the BBC series The Long Firm? Or read the book?


Part of the plot was about politicians and police colluding in covering up deaths (accidental or otherwise) following paedophillic orgies.


All the recent stories seem to be fact mirroring fiction.

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I'm not the one using the issue for political points Anna, I'm pointing out that the issue is (imo) being used to score political points by one set of politicians against another.


By using imo you are stating just an opinion and not a fact. Therefore you are political points-scoring by conjecture.

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