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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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So it is well remembered that the review concluded that matters were dealt with appropriately, but other details such as names have been forgotten about? Well that's very convenient isn't it!


Incidentally if anyone is interested in reading further about this, about 10 years ago I read a harrowing book called 'Dark Heart', by the campaigning journalist Nick Davies of the Guardian who uncovered the phone hacking scandal. He too references how senior members of the establishment sodomised and raped children.




I've said before on the other thread that Mr Danzunc MP (MP for Rochdale) can use parliamentary privilege to name names, and tell us what he knows, now. Time is of the essence, those responsible for what happened at Elm House and other locations need to be brought before the criminal justice system and prosecuted.

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those responsible for what happened at Elm House and other locations need to be brought before the criminal justice system and prosecuted.


The problem is that many of the upper echelon of the judiciary and the police are in this too, as Jimmy Saville hinted at in that book he brought out.

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The problem is that many of the upper echelon of the judiciary and the police are in this too, as Jimmy Saville hinted at in that book he brought out.


One thing that concerns me is that as time is marching on, those responsible must know that people are onto them, they could die, commit suicide before they face justice.


There are so much corruption allegations levelled at the upper echelons of society (Police, Financial institutions, MPs, Media) over the few years. We got a taste of slight change with new rules for MPs and their expenses, but nothing more....


Geoffrey Dicken said there were 8 high level individuals in his interview with the Express in 1980s, 2 of which were apparently 'close friends' of his, but said he needed to expose them to protect children. Those names must have been in that dossier that's been destroyed. Those names can't have been forgotten

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It stinks.


Any enquiry will undoubtedly be a whitewash.


The problem is not just that there might be a paedophile ring in westminster, (there will probably be the same percentage in parliament as in the general population,) it is that there is a criminal conspiracy in high places to keep it hidden that must involve a huge number of people, and the lengths that they are prepared to go to in order to conceal it.


The quotes from Geoffrey Dickens, of threatening phone calls, burglaries, and being placed on a 'multi-killer's hit list' are not idle talk from any old mischief maker, but from a highly respected Conservative MP and presented to the House of Commons. It's a pity he died at 63 while still in office.


Conspiracy theorists get a bad press and a mauling on SF but are beginning to be proved right on a number of things. Are we becoming so inured to criminal activity in high office that it's becoming acceptable, that it's OK? (What are those '3 stages of acceptance' that's often quoted?)


Do we really believe that those with power and influence over us (and arguably ruining life for a lot of people) are not capable of serious corruption? But nothing is ever going to be proved while we allow this high level of conspiracy to continue. They aren't in the Masons for nothing.


Never mind Bananna republics, and foreign despots; they've just picked up Nicholas Sarkozy in France for corruption - that's how they do things over there. Why do we put up with it?

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does anyone remember how Geoffrey Dickens died .. no mention of it anywhere .. cheers


No I haven't been able to find out either.


The nearest I've got is 'acute respiritory failure due to solvent abuse' (?) which is a bit strange whichever way you look at it, but it's uncorroborated and I haven't been able to find a secondary source anywhere.


But I've come across all sorts of interesting stuff while I've been looking....

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No I haven't been able to find out either.


The nearest I've got is 'acute respiritory failure due to solvent abuse' (?) which is a bit strange whichever way you look at it, but it's uncorroborated and I haven't been able to find a secondary source anywhere.


But I've come across all sorts of interesting stuff while I've been looking....


The other man ( forgot his name) who had the dossier with Dickens was found dead with loads of booze around him. Was ruled he died from binge drinking but it says his friends said he was teetotal and only drank orange juice but also says he death was quickly forgotton about..Can't find the page now though

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