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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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If you have any evidence, go to the police with it. Send copies of any evidence if you can to any one you know.


I have no evidence. But the people who have, have done just that and been ignored. Only now are they (hopefully,) beginning to be taken seriously, and that's probably because of the power of the internet and mass communication. The powers that be, know it's going to be very difficult to keep it quiet indefinately.


But that's a long way from a proper investigation against very powerful people who will employ every dirty trick in the book to make sure the truth never comes out. I think you're still thinking in terms of what is right and should happen in normal circumstances, rather than the high level of corruption that's endemic in this case. It's very hard to prove anything and win against those odds. Or get the results published.


I read that QC Michael Mansfield is doing an investigation of his own and is going to publish several copies of his findings and send them to all interested parties. That shoud be interesting. I wonder if they will ever see the light of day?

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I am not trying to undermine it. Let's not forget that these allegations go back to the 1980's when they were first brought to the attention of Parliament by Geoffrey Dickens MP because they were not being investigated.


How long does it take to make enquiries? 30+ years can hardly be called demanding 'instant' justice.


Ask the Hillsborough Families - they're still waiting for it.

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Then these have served their real purpose then, ie deflecting interest away from politicians while at the same time saying 'look everyone, the rich and famous are not above the law either.'

But perlease.... - Stuart Hall? Dave Lee Travis? Hardly top of the A list are they? They're just the fall guys.

Where are the super-rich rock stars who were notorious for underage groupies? The real A listers, the film stars, the establishment figures?


And we are not just talking about sexual perversion, but quite possibly murders. Do you think that the secret service are not capable of murder and intimidation as a tool to keep secrets secret?


How do you know that any blame can be directed to Politicians? I suspect you may be right but your "game set and match" attitude to these matters is dangerous if not challenged. Allow the investigations to take place. By all means monitor them and make sure they take place, but be careful, trial by social media is becoming as dangerous as the crimes you are, quite rightly, exercised about.


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 12:20 ----------


Ask the Hillsborough Families - they're still waiting for it.


But its happening.

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How do you know that any blame can be directed to Politicians? I suspect you may be right but your "game set and match" attitude to these matters is dangerous if not challenged. Allow the investigations to take place. By all means monitor them and make sure they take place, but be careful, trial by social media is becoming as dangerous as the crimes you are, quite rightly, exercised about.



Yes, you are right.


As long as investigations do take place and we are not just fobbed off yet again. I think we have a right to know the calibre of the people who 'rule' over us and make the law.

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Has anybody seen today's Metro newspaper? A former social worker has alleged that he has seen photographs of Leon Brittan, at the notorious Elm Guest House, naked except for a frilly French Maids apron with a 12 year old boy sat on his lap.

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Has anybody seen today's Metro newspaper? A former social worker has alleged that he has seen photographs of Leon Brittan, at the notorious Elm Guest House, naked except for a frilly French Maids apron with a 12 year old boy sat on his lap.


Exactly the same rumour was circulated about Duncan Sandys former Minister 50s and 60s.


If its true then the picture should be produced. I bet it will never be seen, reason? Doesn't exist.


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 14:18 ----------


I think we already know the 'calibre' of them.


We vote them in, unchallenged, unquestioned, undoubted, If its got a Labour rosette on round here it gets voted in. Look at the quality of them, weird control freaks with inflated egos and thick as bricks. But we vote for them.

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Exactly the same rumour was circulated about Duncan Sandys former Minister 50s and 60s.


If its true then the picture should be produced. I bet it will never be seen, reason? Doesn't exist.


---------- Post added 28-01-2015 at 14:18 ----------



We vote them in, unchallenged, unquestioned, undoubted, If its got a Labour rosette on round here it gets voted in. Look at the quality of them, weird control freaks with inflated egos and thick as bricks. But we vote for them.


How do you know it doesn't exist? Oh don't tell me, he's a Tory, therefore he's morally upstanding and blowed rose smelling farts :roll:

And your the last one to snipe about people's voting choices given the number of usernames you've had on here.

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How do you know it doesn't exist? Oh don't tell me, he's a Tory, therefore he's morally upstanding and blowed rose smelling farts :roll:

And your the last one to snipe about people's voting choices given the number of usernames you've had on here.


How do you know it does?


And if you want to bring politics into it may I remind you that only Labour MPS went to prison for fiddling their expenses, and we have had only one PM who was a proven traitor Wilson = Labour. Regarding local politics, its Labour politicians who have overseen the kiddie fiddling that's been going on in Rotherham for 16 years, you commies have nothing to be proud of.


The rest of your paragraph is your usual paranoid rant which made no sense the first time you excreted it and makes no sense now.

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How do you know it doesn't exist? Oh don't tell me, he's a Tory, therefore he's morally upstanding and blowed rose smelling farts :roll:

And your the last one to snipe about people's voting choices given the number of usernames you've had on here.


Like I said earlier, 22 were named and we're talking MPs here not celebs, of which 14 were tories, 5 from Labour and 3 from other parties

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