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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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To summarise the 'evidence' that alleges Leon Brittan was a very nasty and violent abuser of children:

  • Three separate victims are in contact with the investigative agency Exaro News alleging they were raped by him / witness him rape others.
  • The girl who alleges he raped her.
  • The former customs officer who has given a statement that he stopped Leon Brittan's car on entry to the country and confiscated videos of child abuse.
  • The former chair of the National Association of Young People in Care who knew Carole Kasir at the Elm Guest House. He gave an hour-long interview about the abuses that happened there, about Leon Brittan and a photo of him in a maids outfit with a naked young boy on his lap, and about Special Branch protecting him.


The police have given a press conference where they stated that they believe the allegations are credible.


Tom Watson MP, Simon Danczuk MP, Jim Hood MP have stated that they believe the allegations are credible.


Simon Danczuk has given police a dossier of evidence he has collected from survivors who have been in contact with him. As I recall, he said there were the names of thirty MPs in there, some still serving, and that he believes there is enough detail about fifteen of them to warrant immediate action by police.


Given the history of coverups, I'd suggest that if these MPs were instead has-been celebrities then they'd be in court by now.


No wonder Jimmy Savile talked of being protected by friends in high places!

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There's rather a lot of 'evidence' regarding paedophiles in the form of several eyewitness accounts from victims who have grown up to be upstanding and reliable members of the community. They are being taken very seriously by

various police forces. In any other circumstances it would be tested in open court. I don't understand why this is any different.


I agree, there is no difference whatsoever, my concern is that you and several others have jumped to the conclusion, according to your earlier posts that these people are guilty.


This trend to try people via social media and on forums such as this is very dangerous. Remember the allegations against Bill Roache were found to be nonsensical, and investigations regarding Tarbuck and Starr seem to be going nowhere, the Cliff Richard allegations seem to be proving groundless.


Be careful when you point the finger of guilt, this can hurt the innocent. Allow the investigative process to take place, then the guilty should be punished. Its not a perfect system but its not bad and its what we have.

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I agree, there is no difference whatsoever, my concern is that you and several others have jumped to the conclusion, according to your earlier posts that these people are guilty.


This trend to try people via social media and on forums such as this is very dangerous. Remember the allegations against Bill Roache were found to be nonsensical, and investigations regarding Tarbuck and Starr seem to be going nowhere, the Cliff Richard allegations seem to be proving groundless.


Be careful when you point the finger of guilt, this can hurt the innocent. Allow the investigative process to take place, then the guilty should be punished. Its not a perfect system but its not bad and its what we have.


I'd be happy to do just that if I thought it would ever come to trial, but even you must admit that this is not just about B list pop stars and actors, but about a group of very important people who have been very heavily protected by the secret service, and continue to be so. I suspect every obstacle will be put in the way of an investigation, fair means and foul, to stop it happening.

Even Theresa May said there was evidence of corruption.


Is it in the public interest to protect the establishment, or to expose them?

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Interesting that Geoffrey Dickens has his home 'professionally burgled' shortly after he handed the paedophile dossier to the Home Secretary, Leon Brittan. The burglars took nothing else. Just the dossier. Probably some innocent explanation, not at all suspicious.

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I'd be happy to do just that if I thought it would ever come to trial, but even you must admit that this is not just about B list pop stars and actors, but about a group of very important people who have been very heavily protected by the secret service, and continue to be so. I suspect every obstacle will be put in the way of an investigation, fair means and foul, to stop it happening.

Even Theresa May said there was evidence of corruption.


Is it in the public interest to protect the establishment, or to expose them?


They must be exposed. You and I and other members of this forum as well as the press and all those who use social media must keep up the pressure, we want to know, we are entitled to know, those who have done wrong must be punished.


Our only point of divergence is that I wish to ensure that due process is followed. With respect it seems to me that you have already made our mind up that these men, some named, some not, are guilty.


As far as I am concerned if it is proven, they should feel the full force of the law. But we should be les emotive in our language.

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Our only point of divergence is that I wish to ensure that due process is followed. With respect it seems to me that you have already made our mind up that these men, some named, some not, are guilty.


As far as I am concerned if it is proven, they should feel the full force of the law. But we should be les emotive in our language.




If we are talking about thirty years since, I will concede there must have been some sort of a cover up then. Geoffrey Dickens named diplomat Peter Hayman in the House of Commons and asked why he had never been prosecuted, as other members of the Paedophile Information Exchange had been.

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Interesting that Geoffrey Dickens has his home 'professionally burgled' shortly after he handed the paedophile dossier to the Home Secretary, Leon Brittan. The burglars took nothing else. Just the dossier. Probably some innocent explanation, not at all suspicious.


Yeah, a bit like that secret service bloke who managed to zip himself up inside that holdall and killed himself.

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They must be exposed. You and I and other members of this forum as well as the press and all those who use social media must keep up the pressure, we want to know, we are entitled to know, those who have done wrong must be punished.


Our only point of divergence is that I wish to ensure that due process is followed. With respect it seems to me that you have already made our mind up that these men, some named, some not, are guilty.


As far as I am concerned if it is proven, they should feel the full force of the law. But we should be les emotive in our language.

hiya xenia you found yourself another username :suspect:

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Yeah, a bit like that secret service bloke who managed to zip himself up inside that holdall and killed himself.


Interesting timings on that one too, and the other spy, in the news last couple of days, when the Russian Ambassador is being called to explain 'planes' over the channel.

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Short item on TV BBC news 29th January 2015, so short if you blinked you missed it:


'The identities of some of the victims has been accidently released by the home office. They have been intimidated and received death threats.'


Who released the names, who's been doing the intimidating, who's been issuing death threats, and why?

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