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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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According to last night's Newsnight, the official secrets act has been invoked on several occasions and to several people, including police officers, to stop them speaking out, yet I fail to see how anything in the official secrets act justifies this situation.


The areas covered by the act include; releasing information on defence, international relations, security service activities, foreign confidences, and information that might lead to a crime being committed.


I would have thought that information which protects citizens of this country would transcend any and all of that. Haven't police officers a duty, enshrined in law, to uncover wrong doing, and protect the public?


I'd like to see that particular paradox fought out in court.


I suspect the threats of the secret service involve more than 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine...


Right, I think they're just waiting for it to all blow over, just like the bankers are at the moment in relation to the economy. However, the net is tightening on the MPs and they're sweating. They'll try a one size fits all scenario to try and water it down, hence all the Yewtree stories.

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Right, I think they're just waiting for it to all blow over, just like the bankers are at the moment in relation to the economy. However, the net is tightening on the MPs and they're sweating. They'll try a one size fits all scenario to try and water it down, hence all the Yewtree stories.


It's interesting how MPs are studiously ignoring it. No comment.

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According to last night's Newsnight, the official secrets act has been invoked on several occasions and to several people, including police officers, to stop them speaking out, yet I fail to see how anything in the official secrets act justifies this situation.


The areas covered by the act include; releasing information on defence, international relations, security service activities, foreign confidences, and information that might lead to a crime being committed.


I would have thought that information which protects citizens of this country would transcend any and all of that. Haven't police officers a duty, enshrined in law, to uncover wrong doing, and protect the public?


I'd like to see that particular paradox fought out in court.


I suspect the threats of the secret service involve more than 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine...



So...all the accusations levelled at people working to find out the truth about this, like on David Icke forums, etc, accusing them of being loony tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, are completely misplaced. People who said all along that these multiple cover ups went right the way to the top, including our police and security services, were right all along.


Confidence in our establishment: zero.


Confidence we shall see prosecutions in our police, security, political echelons of power: zero.


Confidence in Theresa May: zero.


Confidence in the so named 'tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nutjobs': rising by the day.

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There's quite a good summing up by Michael White of the Guardian about the 'Westminster cover up' http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/mar/17/westminster-child-abuse-paedophile-ring-failure


I'm surprised you think this is a good summing up. I think it's disgusting. Full of pathetic excuses and an insult to the victims and their families.


He makes every excuse in the book up for his own failure and for the disgusting acts and cover ups in this article. I wonder what he's after, a knighthood perhaps? Judging on the previously 'honoured', it would seem he deserves one for this article alone.


I thought it was just me, but after reading the comments after the article, I see I am far from alone.

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So...all the accusations levelled at people working to find out the truth about this, like on David Icke forums, etc, accusing them of being loony tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, are completely misplaced. People who said all along that these multiple cover ups went right the way to the top, including our police and security services, were right all along.


Confidence in our establishment: zero.


Confidence we shall see prosecutions in our police, security, political echelons of power: zero.


Confidence in Theresa May: zero.


Confidence in the so named 'tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nutjobs': rising by the day.


The problem with conspiracy theorists is they tend to believe everything is a conspiracy and this makes people doubt everything they say. It's difficult to take someone who tells you there's a massive cover up of prominent paedophiles taking place seriously when they've just claimed that the Queen is a shape shifting lizard.

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People love to invoke the shape shifting lizards, but many of the 'conspiracy theorists' are perfectly sane people, often academics, and many of the 'conspiracies' all too possible.I disagree that they'll believe anything. What they do believe is often well researched, and will have at least some backing.


The paedophile ring is a case in point. It's been doing the rounds on the internet for years, and was thought of as totally preposterous, but now looks like being true.


As each bastion falls, other things begin to look all too possible. Dr. David Kelly anybody? Are people still so convinced it was an accident?


The real problem is that as these things are uncovered people stop being shocked by it.

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ive read alot about the elm guest house ,and cliff richards name comes up time and time again.


There are pictures of the signing in book available on Google searches but who can count on their authenticity?

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More news on the establishment cover up of child sexual exploitation.


Exaro has reported that John Mann MP tried to introduce an amendment to the Government's Serious Crime Bill going through parliament which would've given immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act anyone in relation to past incidences of child abuse & the Westminster paedophile ring.

Perfectly sensible - except that many MPs voted against it. It's as if they've got something to hide....:huh:


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