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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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More news on the establishment cover up of child sexual exploitation.


Exaro has reported that John Mann MP tried to introduce an amendment to the Government's Serious Crime Bill going through parliament which would've given immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act anyone in relation to past incidences of child abuse & the Westminster paedophile ring.

Perfectly sensible - except that many MPs voted against it. It's as if they've got something to hide....:huh:



It depends on the wording for me. I don't like the idea of someone coming forward who has had a hand in covering up and even the abuse itself, being free from prosecution, if they gave evidence, if that could happen.


I think those who have had no hand in this but have been silenced by "superiors" (strictly in an organisational sense) definitely need to be immune and if any MP votes against that - we need names, so we can vote them out in a few weeks time.


---------- Post added 25-03-2015 at 02:46 ----------


More news on the establishment cover up of child sexual exploitation.


Exaro has reported that John Mann MP tried to introduce an amendment to the Government's Serious Crime Bill going through parliament which would've given immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act anyone in relation to past incidences of child abuse & the Westminster paedophile ring.

Perfectly sensible - except that many MPs voted against it. It's as if they've got something to hide....:huh:



From your source, you can now see exactly how MPs voted - very interesting.



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Brought to the attention of the police by the Bishop of Durham, and said to relate to claims of 'ritual satanic abuse.'


Honestly, can this get any weirder..?


Drip, drip, drip. Snippet upon snippet, in the hope that the public will get desensitised to the old boys network kidnapping, raping, trafficking and murdering little children.


Seems the BBC and press know their roles very well. Don't want to blow the lid off this before the election.

Edited by Mr Bloom
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A very drawn out FOI request has finally confirmed that Thatcher knew about Cyril Smith's activities, but nevertheless authorised his knighthood;




This does add credence to the theory that, at the very least, there was a blind eye turned.


What also disgusts me about that Thatcher woman was that she was told about the activities of the likes of her close friend Peter Morrison & Cyril Smith, yet still gave him a knighthood.

Yet does anyone remember her demonising of gay people like me in the 1980s introducing her disgusting Section 28 in order to enshrine discrimination, purely for political purposes - to demonise the left, 'trendy teaching methods' etc. Does anyone else remember the activities of her friend and fellow bigot and 'moralist' James Anderton, the chief constable of Greater Manchester? How many gay people's lives did he destroy?

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What also disgusts me about that Thatcher woman was that she was told about the activities of the likes of her close friend Peter Morrison & Cyril Smith, yet still gave him a knighthood.

Yet does anyone remember her demonising of gay people like me in the 1980s introducing her disgusting Section 28 in order to enshrine discrimination, purely for political purposes - to demonise the left, 'trendy teaching methods' etc. Does anyone else remember the activities of her friend and fellow bigot and 'moralist' James Anderton, the chief constable of Greater Manchester? How many gay people's lives did he destroy?


There are many on here who think Margaret Thatcher as the saviour of Britain, and nigh on a saint. But for the reasons you give, I think they, and the nation, need to give her a serious reapraisal.


I think it speaks volumes about the woman's character, judgement and contempt for ordinary people. Similarly her populist sucking up to 'Sir' Jimmy Saville makes me wonder what else she knew, and how deep her hypocracy went.


You also highlight the moral dilemma of why we should take any laws a bankrupt and corrupt government hands down, seriously?

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I think it speaks volumes about the woman's character, judgement and contempt for ordinary people. Similarly her populist sucking up to 'Sir' Jimmy Saville makes me wonder what else she knew, and how deep her hypocracy went.


As her father was a notorious sex pest (alleged), she was probably used to turning a blind eye.

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More news on the establishment cover up of child sexual exploitation.


Exaro has reported that John Mann MP tried to introduce an amendment to the Government's Serious Crime Bill going through parliament which would've given immunity from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act anyone in relation to past incidences of child abuse & the Westminster paedophile ring.

Perfectly sensible - except that many MPs voted against it. It's as if they've got something to hide....:huh:


Did Any of our local ones vote against it ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lord Janner, politician in the eighties, has avoided prosecution. The CPS are saying he is too ill to stand trial. He is suffering from dementia. I wonder if this is the same sort of dementia that that Guinness multi-millionaire director managed to avoid jail with, and then made a sudden, miraculous recovery?


Police in Lecister say this decision is the wrong one. They are 'disappointed.' 25 children were involved, and they say they have a very good case that they feel would have resulted in a conviction.


Yet another whitewash. Are any of these abused people ever going to receive justice?

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