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Alleged No 10 links to paedophile ring

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"David Cameron has asked a senior civil servant to "find answers" about a missing dossier on alleged paedophiles at Westminster in the 1980s."




Cameron in public opinion shocker. Sorry, but selecting an MP to investigate is simply not good enough and totally unacceptable. It would undoubtedly have the possibility of influencing political public opinion to his advantage through cover-ups and the use of selective information. It should be required by law to be undertaken by the police/Interpol and MI5 and should not under any circumstances be investigated by an MP or anyone close to one.


---------- Post added 05-07-2014 at 05:56 ----------



That one is totally unrelated. The link I provided is the first article I've seen in the current round of media reports that specificallt mention Operation Fernbridge. Most other articles I've seen do not mention the name and try to pass it off as breaking news when it isn't

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maybe thats why its left to strange people on the internet to "talk" about it and create wild stories


Government and the police are so deeply involved in this none of the big players will ever face justice. Harris etc are just a diversion.

You'll also get creeps on the internet gatekeeping for these scumbags.

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If that is so, and I tend to agree that it probably is, then "something" should be done to bring the offenders to justice.

Im not of the opinion that a few years in the clink counts as justice either.


Let's hope the ball keeps rolling til it picks these people up. Another thing is its thought the ring could even include royalty. As this system, the security forces and secret services exist to protect them, it may take an uprising to clean it up.

People are too dumbed down and distracted for that to happen.

All I know is, the punishment for fiddling with my kids is death. Whatever the law may be.

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That one is totally unrelated. The link I provided is the first article I've seen in the current round of media reports that specificallt mention Operation Fernbridge. Most other articles I've seen do not mention the name and try to pass it off as breaking news when it isn't


It's not totally unrelated & it's not a competition to see who can post the best links, I never mentioned anything about your link?


It's an article discussing past cover-ups of alleged powerful nonces in public institutions. An article from The Telegraph, a usually very pro-establishment mainstream tory newspaper. Their readers should be spitting their cornflakes out over articles like that more often, so I think it's worth a click.


It's news that something might start to be done about it, maybe we'll get a proper investigation to see if there's any truth in the allegations, we can hope. It's good news that things like this are being widely reported in the mainstream media now.


Anyway, a more recent bbc link here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-28177242 they seem to be following the story now & starting to give it some decent coverage.

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