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Keep left unless overtaking; hogging the outside lane

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I was cycling along the coast in the summer, a lorry came up behind me, stupidly tried to overtake on a corner, guess what happened... along came a double decker bus the other way.


I think thats the scariest moment of my life, seeing a lorry pulling back in towards you, i managed to hop onto the pavement, turned round when i had stopped, and the lorry had gome into the hedge!! Shook me up a bit!

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The goverment should give haulage companies special tax breaks if they only use the motorways between 8pm and 6am = more money for them and clearer roads of everyone else!


Only problem then is warehouses, shops etc would need to be working nights to take deliveries. Many drivers do prefer to get up early and hit the early morning empty roads and then sit outside their first drop

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Only problem then is warehouses, shops etc would need to be working nights to take deliveries. Many drivers do prefer to get up early and hit the early morning empty roads and then sit outside their first drop


But think of the extra money that the people working nights would make?

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  • 1 year later...

Hi... don't know where to put this one so I'm hoping this is the most relevant spot.


I was driving back from work around lunchtime and was commenting to my passenger how delightful it was to travel on the roads as they were quieter than normal due to the fooding etc. No sooner had I said that, I drove around a blind bend onto a straight stretch road and was immediately comfronted by some stupid idiot in a people carrier attempting to overtake a lorry. My immediate reaction was to do an emergency stop, so I went for the brakes and heard an almighty screech as we skidded along the road. This seemed to go on for an eternity as the head on collision was looking more and more inevitable, but fortunately for me, the idiot was also breaking hard and with a just a few metres to go he managed to tuck back in behind the lorry, narrowly missing me. It has taken me a few hours to come to terms with this near miss and I was pretty shaken, probably still am as I type now.


Anyway, why do people attempt such stupid manoevers (sp?)?

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Some drivers are just stupid.

A couple of times on a single carraigeway behind a long que of traffic the car behind me has pulled out and over taken not just me but about 3 or 4 cars ahead of me. The idiots have to force themselves back into the line of traffic to avoid a head on collission. When traffic is moving at 60 - 70 MPH even forcing themselves back into the line of traffic can cause a serious accident, so in those cases I stay well back.

It seems some drivers will only be more catious if they ever did get into an accident.

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Yep, too many speed obsessed idiots out there who, in reality will only get home maybe a minute or two earlier by attempting these crazy manoeuvres. I always try to leave a relatively large gap between me and the car in front especially on motorways and dual carriageways however that gap inevitably gets filled very quickly. It's a no-win situation for us 'safer and considerate' drivers :o

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