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Keep left unless overtaking; hogging the outside lane

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"I got it on camera, yeah".

Talking to :


I think he was a truckers mate??? Could be wrong, but he looked to be sat alittle too far to the left to be the driver.


Apparently the technique the police used is a common trick used by traffic officers to encourage lane hogs to move.

It's used often by unmarked cars who need to 'make some ground' without attracting much attention.

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What technique? Flashing their lights? Surely that's common to anyone who's being held up by a lane hog? It's just a shame the rest of us can't flash the blues and twos and arrest them when they pull the breaking stunt instead of moving.

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One of my pet hates usually followed by the idiots who pull out in to the middle lane to overtake a slow lorry but fail to speed up so take an absolute age to overtake


If they are overtaking, its perfectly legal and you are just being impatient.

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One of my pet hates usually followed by the idiots who pull out in to the middle lane to overtake a slow lorry but fail to speed up so take an absolute age to overtake


Hmmm, I'm not sure about that. If they are going faster and don't impede anyone else, then why should they speed up?

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Sorry I'll explain in a little more detail, the lorry say is doing 55mph, the car is doing 58 mph, they then pull out into what is usually a faster moving flow of traffic say doing 70 mph but they don't accelerate so the middle lane has to slow down. I know you could indicate and pull out into the fast lane but my elderly cars didn't like doing that as you could be garanteed somebody doing 80 plus will zoom up behind you.

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