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Keep left unless overtaking; hogging the outside lane

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Was anyone else on Penistone Road about 10 to 4 today heading towards town and saw the DVLA van? It had what looked like cameras on every corner of it. Penistone road was quite difficult enough to navigate as the majority of traffic signals were out, so driving safey, involved killing speed. The person driving that van was driving like an absolute lunatic, driving much too fast for the conditions, zig zaggin in and out of cars etc. What an absoloute moron! Coz he had DLVA and a pic of a speed camera plastered all over the van, does that give him carte blanche to drive like this?

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I do find it funny when your average speed possessed idiot brisks past you on the motorway. Only to be about 30 feet infront of you when it comes to yours or their junction.


I have a heartwarming story. At the bottom of Longley dip mobile camera units tuck in behind the wall as it is a hotbed for idiots racing down at 60mph despite a young kid losing his life on the same road due to excessive speeding. So there I was, driving down at 35mph with enough time and distance to notice the camera and slow down. However the chav idiot in a Vectra behind me saw this as a point to impress his undesirable passengers by racing past me at double my speed. Imagine my joy as I saw the activity in the van register his plates and what swiftly followed was a patrol bike.

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Was anyone else on Penistone Road about 10 to 4 today heading towards town and saw the DVLA van? It had what looked like cameras on every corner of it. Penistone road was quite difficult enough to navigate as the majority of traffic signals were out, so driving safey, involved killing speed. The person driving that van was driving like an absolute lunatic, driving much too fast for the conditions, zig zaggin in and out of cars etc. What an absoloute moron! Coz he had DLVA and a pic of a speed camera plastered all over the van, does that give him carte blanche to drive like this?


Glad I didn't see him, or I would have gotten infront of him and slammed on the anchors.

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Hi... don't know where to put this one so I'm hoping this is the most relevant spot.


I was driving back from work around lunchtime and was commenting to my passenger how delightful it was to travel on the roads as they were quieter than normal due to the fooding etc. No sooner had I said that, I drove around a blind bend onto a straight stretch road and was immediately comfronted by some stupid idiot in a people carrier attempting to overtake a lorry. My immediate reaction was to do an emergency stop, so I went for the brakes and heard an almighty screech as we skidded along the road. This seemed to go on for an eternity as the head on collision was looking more and more inevitable, but fortunately for me, the idiot was also breaking hard and with a just a few metres to go he managed to tuck back in behind the lorry, narrowly missing me. It has taken me a few hours to come to terms with this near miss and I was pretty shaken, probably still am as I type now.


Anyway, why do people attempt such stupid manoevers (sp?)?


Poor judgement and impatience.


I can understand where the impatience might come from though, I drove back on Tues night from my parents, in the dry, and was incredibly frustrated at the number of people tootling along the 60 limit roads doing 40 or sometimes less.

I didn't perform any dangerous overtaking though.

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I get this all the time when I go to visit my sister... we'll be on some single carriageway, national speed limit A road and some pillock will try and overtake a line of cars, driving on the wrong side of the road, only to have to pull in when they (finally) spot me coming down the road towards them...


Terrifies the life out of me, sometimes. One time the driver wasn't even overtaking anything, I think he just pulled into our lane for the hell of it. There's crazy people out there :(

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Hi... don't know where to put this one so I'm hoping this is the most relevant spot.


I was driving back from work around lunchtime and was commenting to my passenger how delightful it was to travel on the roads as they were quieter than normal due to the fooding etc. No sooner had I said that, I drove around a blind bend onto a straight stretch road and was immediately comfronted by some stupid idiot in a people carrier attempting to overtake a lorry. My immediate reaction was to do an emergency stop, so I went for the brakes and heard an almighty screech as we skidded along the road. This seemed to go on for an eternity as the head on collision was looking more and more inevitable, but fortunately for me, the idiot was also breaking hard and with a just a few metres to go he managed to tuck back in behind the lorry, narrowly missing me. It has taken me a few hours to come to terms with this near miss and I was pretty shaken, probably still am as I type now.


Anyway, why do people attempt such stupid manoevers (sp?)?


It wasn't Naz driving was it?:hihi::hihi:

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I overtook someone yesterday near the Cat & Fiddle. She was swerving from side to side, it looked as though she was looking at a map, there was no one else on the road in either direction and she braked for no reason. I overtook her for my own safety and gave her a wide berth.

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Poor judgement and impatience.


I can understand where the impatience might come from though, I drove back on Tues night from my parents, in the dry, and was incredibly frustrated at the number of people tootling along the 60 limit roads doing 40 or sometimes less.

I didn't perform any dangerous overtaking though.


Is that on the A61 between Alfreton and Chesterfield by any chance? Actually, they're 50 limit, but it sounds soooo familiar...


I do find it funny when your average speed possessed idiot brisks past you on the motorway. Only to be about 30 feet infront of you when it comes to yours or their junction.


I have a heartwarming story. At the bottom of Longley dip mobile camera units tuck in behind the wall as it is a hotbed for idiots racing down at 60mph despite a young kid losing his life on the same road due to excessive speeding. So there I was, driving down at 35mph with enough time and distance to notice the camera and slow down. However the chav idiot in a Vectra behind me saw this as a point to impress his undesirable passengers by racing past me at double my speed. Imagine my joy as I saw the activity in the van register his plates and what swiftly followed was a patrol bike.


Ah, justice :D

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