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Keep left unless overtaking; hogging the outside lane

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TRy this then next time you go on a long journey,you can accelerate as fast as you like but dont go faster than 54 mph ever,on single carraige ways do no more than 40mph see how it feels and report back
I didn't choose that career, so I won't. the fact remains that anybody happy to inconvenience and frustrate evrybody else on the road for the sake of a few seconds should take a step bakc and reconsider how he approaches life.

Nobody wants wagon drivers to lose an average 5 or 10mph on a run, just drop 2 mph for a few seconds now and then while the other wagon gets past. Painless, easy and considerate.

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I didn't choose that career, so I won't. the fact remains that anybody happy to inconvenience and frustrate evrybody else on the road for the sake of a few seconds should take a step bakc and reconsider how he approaches life.

Nobody wants wagon drivers to lose an average 5 or 10mph on a run, just drop 2 mph for a few seconds now and then while the other wagon gets past. Painless, easy and considerate.


so all lorry drivers should bow to you so you can get home a couple of minutes earlier and catch the adverts on the tv.

Please have more thought for them, without them you wouldnt have a tv!

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i agree with newvanman

you want to try it biffo you will see how many times a truck gets hold up by a car and dont forget the driver who sees the wagon coming up and thinks its only a truck ill just pull out and slow him down at least then i wont get stuck behind him

takes a lot longer to stop a truck and a lot longer to get it moving again so the truck slows down and causes the cars behind to have to slow


tell you what well do every time we see a car behind us well pull over and let you pass

never mind us we are only drivers and dont have a life or any family what difference will it make

the difference will be that if all deliverys are delayed everybody and every business will suffer due to not getting there deliverys on time or at all

so whos being selfish now the truck driver or the prick in the car whos ****** off cause he didnt get his dinner on time

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Easy guys, I'm not wanting wagon drivers to be nailed to a cross, I just think there are times that they could think a bit outside the box and let a queue past. I've had plenty of very positive experiences of polite, considerate HGV drivers, and I'm not knocking everybody, but you both know that the sort of situation where two wagons get stuck side by side, one gaining uphill and the other downhill by half a length - for several miles, is wrong. Surely ?!

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how often do you look and think i can pass that and then when you pull out you realise its not that easy

bit harder to pull the truck back over cause some prick in a bmw as allready fulled the gap doing a bit of undertaking so he can get home before everyone else

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Theres other factors that need to be considered too.have a look down a motorway.

trucks are now pushed to make progress in the middle lane because gladys in her micra has decided to block the left lane doing 40mph and nobody does anything about it because this goverment is hell bent on causing conjestion to enable pay per mile.

so trucks as other drivers will be cheesed off.then you get the sarny eaters on the middle lane who has no regard for anyone but themselfs,trucks are then stuck behind him or her because he cant use the outside lane to get rid of him and no amount of attention seeking will move him.

Its crap and getting worse ,and it wont get any better untill people realise theres much more wrong with drivers than a few miles an hour over the speed limits.

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Nobody wants wagon drivers to lose an average 5 or 10mph on a run, just drop 2 mph for a few seconds now and then while the other wagon gets past. Painless, easy and considerate.

Painless, easy and considerate?

Considerate maybe but easy and painless?

2 seconds of foot off power in say a 38tonne waggon means your speed dropping like a brick falls plus then you have the 'painless ease' of shifting through a potential 12 gears through a 2 speed differential and on some older trucks that means alot of double de-clutching.....THAT my good fellow causes congestion, never seen a truck lurching and jerking as the driver wrestles with the gearbox trying to get the power back down?

meanwhile...2 mins of 56 mph behind a 'inconsiderate' trucker then you can floor the b.m. and within 30 seconds be back behind the ford focus that made it past the truck before it pulled out in the first place

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  • 2 years later...

Riding my bike down Lodge Lane last night, turning a blind right hander, I was leaning in when a car came up the other way about a foot or two over my side of the road. (I was middle/left of my lane so leaning just about over middle of my side.) I braked hard-ish, lost the back end, went straight into a slide on my knee, then a rolled over the bike (leaving a bloody smear on the crossbar on the way), smacked into the kerb and rolled down banking into nettles. I'd travelled about 10yds on the tarmac then 3 or 4 down into the nettles, all at about 25mph.


Luckily, my mates weren't far behind, to initially make sure I was ok, then laugh, then describe what they saw of my crash. There was another group of bikers coming up the other way (who saw it all), thanks for stopping and making sure I was alright.


Turns out the driver had decided to overtake one of the other group on the blind bend, and so he came over into my lane.


The damage this morning - bruising coming up where there aren't grazes, bloodied bits nicely stinging in chorus with the nettles, shoes damaged from the tarmac (melted, incidentally!), wrist, ankle and arms aching like mad and a sore neck.


The battered old black espace didn't stop.


Think before you overtake. If I'd been taking more of a racing line I'd have been through the windscreen. As it is, I'm lucky to have just a few scrapes.

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Jesus, glad your ok! Sounds like it could have been a really nasty one! My Uncle died in a motorbiking accident when I was young so have always been cautious of bikers.


Can't believe the driver didn't stop, how was he to know you would have been ok?


As I said, glad your ok!

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