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New Universal Credit System, Rent Rebate

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I heard someone chatting about the new Universal Credit Benefit system that’s coming out soon?


Obviously my ears picked-up, the nosey sod I am. Well what I was told, was that people whom qualify for Housing Benefit, will under the new system have this rebate sent directly to them, within their payments. It is then up to the person themselves to pay full rent out of the benefit sent to them, rather than the reduce rate of rent, they pay now.


It was also said they knew of people being sent new estimated amounts due to receive under the new system with the rent rebate given directly to them, these amounts sounded rather impressive.


Any truth in this, or just a drunken chat, spinning a yarn, as was at a social gathering that involved lots of the falling over liquid and plenty of verbal diarrhea.

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Housing benefit should be abolished completely and dole increased across the board by the average amount of housing benefit.


Let's see private rents and social rents remain high and keep increasing then!



And what good would that do over here in the real world?

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Housing benefit should be abolished completely and dole increased across the board by the average amount of housing benefit.


Let's see private rents and social rents remain high and keep increasing then!


What so doleys can spend all their benefits on smack and not pay their rent?

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What so doleys can spend all their benefits on smack and not pay their rent?


Workers too!


If housing benefit is £100 a week and dole is £70 a week.


Suppose you have a salary of £200 per week and must spend £30 on travel, you are no better off than dole and must spend half your wage on rent because rents are propped up by housing benefit...


People should be free to choose whether to spend their money on smack, crack, food, clothes or rent.


The government should not be propping up rents.

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Ermm the Govt dont decree anything...

Private rents are set by what people are willing to pay, other wise there would be thousands of empty properties all over the country


Housing benefit £X


Minimum rent = £X


Housing benefit rises above inflation by the sum Y (in particular for lowest rents).


Housing benefit now = X + Y


Minimum rent now = X + Y


Housing benefit bill goes up, minimum rent goes up.


Because the rents go up faster than people's wages, working people now forced to claim housing benefit. Housing benefit bill goes up further.


The government sets minimum rents, and it pays out money to ensure they don't fall.

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Except you have that the wrong way around; The Local Area Allowance reflects a typical rent, it doesnt set it......Though sometimes it does look that way :D


The LAA in Sheffield is sufficient for to cover the rent in some allegedly "posh" areas

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It would align rents with what people are prepared to pay, instead of what the government decrees you must pay.


In the long term it might but in the short term it would mean landlords would no longer be able to afford their mortgages so would default... mortgages would go unpaid leading to masses of bad credit with the banks... leading to a collapse of the banking system... sinking us deeper into recession...



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