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I know it's hard, but would it hurt to be nice to each other?

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Just a thought, when some of the people on here are having a pop at other people's posts, ie nastiness, sarcasm, contempt...

Will they stop and give a thought to the fact that some of these people may be just trying to make conversation, due to being on their own all day, maybe not seeing a soul all day, or being disabled.

I've seen some downright nasty comments aimed at anyone, I've had it done to me, and it's quite upsetting sometimes..:(

I know SF is a big forum, all ages, many different personalities, but try to remember it could be your mum, dad, grandparents, children you're speaking to..

I think what I'm trying to say is before you say something unkind have a thought who you may be speaking to..


Head down now....

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I expected some sarci comments to my post because of how this forum is sometimes, that's a shame just thinking that automatically. It's much more pleasant to speak properly to people....:)


I'm not that daft to think this would happen all the time, I expect some arguing on here due to a lot of immotive subjects and different personalities. It wouldn't be the great forum that it is if we watched every single thing we said..:)


Speaking properly to folks is a different thing, having a laugh, giving advice, disagreeing with each other, deliberately hurting someone isn't necessary.


Sometimes I've come on here with something to say (probably summat trivial):hihi: but been put off due to some of the unpleasant posts...:(


I would say perhaps we could be a bit nicer to one another, but probably get told off for being a bit " twee" :hihi:

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I think a lot of people use the forum as a means of sparring or attempts at one-upmanship or to show how clever they are.


I've been guilty of it as well.


Someone posts something and someone else's instant reaction is to try to be cleverer, or to point out an error with their spelling or to suggest they might not have heard of google and should stop wasting everyone's very important time asking for cinema opening times on SF.


It's become less a community and more a bear pit, an arena where people can have a go and generally feel good about "winning" arguments.


SF is great in times of crisis though. That's when it really shows it's worth and people do pull together and put aside petty bickerings, for example during the floods a few years ago.

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I think a lot of people use the forum as a means of sparring or attempts at one-upmanship or to show how clever they are.


I've been guilty of it as well.


Someone posts something and someone else's instant reaction is to try to be cleverer, or to point out an error with their spelling or to suggest they might not have heard of google and should stop wasting everyone's very important time asking for cinema opening times on SF.


It's become less a community and more a bear pit, an arena where people can have a go and generally feel good about "winning" arguments.


SF is great in times of crisis though. That's when it really shows it's worth and people do pull together and put aside petty bickerings, for example during the floods a few years ago.


Yes I've been able to get some good advice on here at times, and seen some folks that are going through bad times get a lot of love and empathy..:)

Your post just about sums it up!

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