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I know it's hard, but would it hurt to be nice to each other?

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Just a thought, when some of the people on here are having a pop at other people's posts, ie nastiness, sarcasm, contempt...

Will they stop and give a thought to the fact that some of these people may be just trying to make conversation, due to being on their own all day, maybe not seeing a soul all day, or being disabled.

I've seen some downright nasty comments aimed at anyone, I've had it done to me, and it's quite upsetting sometimes..:(

I know SF is a big forum, all ages, many different personalities, but try to remember it could be your mum, dad, grandparents, children you're speaking to..

I think what I'm trying to say is before you say something unkind have a thought who you may be speaking to..


Head down now....



Well said Mrs O. I couldn't agree more. It's good to be reminded.


I'd like to see this transfer to real life as well. All those old sayings about manners costing nothing etc are so true and can make a real difference.

We are living through difficult times; the least we can do to help is be kind to each other.

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Well said Mrs O. I couldn't agree more. It's good to be reminded.


I'd like to see this transfer to real life as well. All those old sayings about manners costing nothing etc are so true and can make a real difference.

We are living through difficult times; the least we can do to help is be kind to each other.



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Just a thought, when some of the people on here are having a pop at other people's posts, ie nastiness, sarcasm, contempt...

Will they stop and give a thought to the fact that some of these people may be just trying to make conversation, due to being on their own all day, maybe not seeing a soul all day, or being disabled.

I've seen some downright nasty comments aimed at anyone, I've had it done to me, and it's quite upsetting sometimes..:(

I know SF is a big forum, all ages, many different personalities, but try to remember it could be your mum, dad, grandparents, children you're speaking to..

I think what I'm trying to say is before you say something unkind have a thought who you may be speaking to..


Head down now....


What comes around goes around, sorry

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It's only banter, like it's been mentioned we don't know each other, so from me, if I have upset anybody I am sorry, I think me and others on here just get carried away in the moment, this a great forum, so please forumers don't take my comments personal, soz everybody.

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I'm a bit worried about this, having read the thread.

Are we now saying that sarcasm is out? :gag:

I love being sarcastic ... or at least, slightly 'Tongue in cheek'.

Am I now an outcast of this pleasant electronic community ... cast aside to live my remaining days in the solitude of these 164 walls of 'Area 51 and a half' in the desolate hinterland of this fair city ... the area known as Crookes? :(

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I think a lot of people use the forum as a means of sparring or attempts at one-upmanship or to show how clever they are.


I've been guilty of it as well.


Someone posts something and someone else's instant reaction is to try to be cleverer, or to point out an error with their spelling or to suggest they might not have heard of google and should stop wasting everyone's very important time asking for cinema opening times on SF.


It's become less a community and more a bear pit, an arena where people can have a go and generally feel good about "winning" arguments.


SF is great in times of crisis though. That's when it really shows it's worth and people do pull together and put aside petty bickerings, for example during the floods a few years ago.


I agree with your post Taxman. Yes it's a huge membership on here, and there are bound to be clashes of personality, and viewpoints. I've been the victim of people trying to be 'clever', in a one upmanship battle, "I'm more intelligent than you" type debate. I'm afraid I am guilty of biting back. I do try to let it go over my head, but sometimes I have no option but to defend myself, albeit in a not too pleasant way. Self preservation I guess.


I do think a lot of people on here, hide behind their anonymity. Which effectively gives them license to say anything they like to anyone, even if it hurts (subject to mederation).


When this sort of thing happens it DOES put people off posting, for fear of being the target of the venom. I do know this to be true in very recent activity on here. I have had PM's from people saying just such things. That they have been following a thread but wouldn't post and personally supporting me.


Generally speaking though, I do enjoy the time I spend on here.

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I'm a bit worried about this, having read the thread.

Are we now saying that sarcasm is out? :gag:

I love being sarcastic ... or at least, slightly 'Tongue in cheek'.

Am I now an outcast of this pleasant electronic community ... cast aside to live my remaining days in the solitude of these 164 walls of 'Area 51 and a half' in the desolate hinterland of this fair city ... the area known as Crookes? :(

You're lucky, my sense of humour makes me an outcast in my own home! :(


I think I'll spend the rest of the day in this thread if none of you mind - it's nice in here! :)

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You're lucky, my sense of humour makes me an outcast in my own home! :(


I think I'll spend the rest of the day in this thread if none of you mind - it's nice in here! :)


hahaha...I object strongly! :hihi::hihi::hihi:..Not really, as I'm sure you know!


As for Alco's musings. They're highly enteratining, and can often diffuse heated arguments.


I bought the Sheffield Star a few days ago which detailed on their front page, the areas where burglaries most happened. Strangely, there was no mention of Parson Cross, which surprised me somewhat. I thought about posting a thread based on it, but knew full well that some clever so-and-so would have concluded that all the other burglaries in surrounding areas were probably comitted by 'Parsonians'. So I didn't bother. It was bound to attract the 'nutter' element. Except Alco of course who often engages in covert missions in the area, with hilarious consequences!

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