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I know it's hard, but would it hurt to be nice to each other?

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We should never be nice to each other, always help create suspicion, make some outsiders, scapegoats, as without such doubts society would fall apart.


The police would have an easy job, therefore not much crime, no need for such a large police force, which would affect the courts, putting solicitors, barristers, and the rest of the legal establishment out of a job. Then there is the prison population to constantly expand, which is it contracted would cause the detention and incarceration business to collapse. We are talking a few million jobs here, and the devastating consequences of the educated being unemployed. A complete collapse of a major part of the British economy.


This would have knock on effects on selling of cars, and the rest of the retail outlets. So please do not ever consider being nice to each other, it’s an economic nightmare. The fact that people and society might be a better, more caring place, after the readjustment settled down, is bad for the trade the UK does.


So encourage, racial differences, scapegoats, blaming outsiders for everything, its pure joy to those making cash from the security business, and such. Be patriotic and be nasty!


Oh you cynical person you! :hihi:

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I know what you mean, but I do worry about him sometimes!


He carries out the most dangerous of tasks but no-one ever seems to help him. :(


If only I was a few years younger I would be there by his side righting the wrongs and ensuring a safer community for us all!


Rumour has it that Alco has a friendly agent , an inside man , the resistance , deep undercover in Parsonia, who helps him with logistics, safe landing areas for the Alco-copter ,maps ,and intelligence on the native Parsonians. Of course ,there will always be complete denial of any such "Agent" ,as that could compromise future missions into deep Parsonia .

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I think there's been a new phrase invented here. :thumbsup:

From now on, if someone chooses to argue with me, I'm going to adopt the 'Mrs Overall' clause, as I'm not really one to argue back.


Ie ... 'I'm gonna take a Mrs Overall on that!', or (to another) 'I'd really take a Mrs Overall if I were you' :)


There you go, I knew I'd convert someone to something..:hihi:

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1. When the forum was smaller, there didn't seem to be as much rudeness. In fact, I would say there was not.


2. Those who have gotten nasty with me (and sometimes I with them) have all been men. You gals on SF are a congenial bunch.


3. Those who dish it out, often can't take it.


Medusa has (or used to have) something about how to be excellent to each other on a forum. Others may also have it but I remember hers.



Hiya, no3, I agree with this, I hate it when I post something and someone gets smart mouthed, it take my confidence away but not for long, I'm a good bouncer back kind of person...but for someone who's a bit sensitive they'd probably not want to come back on again, which is a shame as this is a great forum with lots of good folks on here..:)

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Rumour has it that Alco has a friendly agent , an inside man , the resistance , deep undercover in Parsonia, who helps him with logistics, safe landing areas for the Alco-copter ,maps ,and intelligence on the native Parsonians. Of course ,there will always be complete denial of any such "Agent" ,as that could compromise future missions into deep Parsonia .


Oh I wish I knew what you were saying..:D

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Rumour has it that Alco has a friendly agent , an inside man , the resistance , deep undercover in Parsonia, who helps him with logistics, safe landing areas for the Alco-copter ,maps ,and intelligence on the native Parsonians. Of course ,there will always be complete denial of any such "Agent" ,as that could compromise future missions into deep Parsonia .

Then I suggest we get Alco to take some of Mrs O's meat and tatty pie with him on his next mission as a thank you from all of us! :)

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