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Watching someone die

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I wasn't around when either of my grandparents died and I regret that.

I wasn't around when either of my parents died and I regret that, too.


I hope not to be around when I die. - I'll get over it. ;)


(If I do have to be around, I hope I'll be elsewhere half an hour before old Nick knows I'm dead.)

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My husband and I were with his brother while he was dying, his wife and kids kept telling him....it's ok to let go Dad , hearing that we made a promiss to each other never ever to say that to each other no matter what the circumstances are, I cant think of anything worse than hearing someone saying that to you on your death bed, I would want to have hope up until the last minute even if others around me knew different. I'm sure if you know your dying you don't need others to tell you something you already know Nd when to go.

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My dad died suddenly at home aged 75 in 2003 whilst I was working and living away from Sheffield during the week so I never had a chance to say goodbye, something I have always felt sad about. Given the suddenness, I wouldn't have been able to anyway. My mother died last year after many years of suffering from MS and latterly the onset of dementia. The nursing home called my sister and I that morning to say that she had 'taken a turn for the worst' and we were both with her as she drew her last breath. She didn't know we were there but I will always be glad that I was with her at the end.

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