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Is Israel building up for a strike againt Iranian nuclear facilities.

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Currently there's alot of sabre rattling but the US are doing quite alot to calm things down.


There's been some mention that if Romney gets in he'll be alot more gun-ho than Obama and a joint Israel/USA strike against Iran would become a definite possibility.

Currently tho the economic sanctions against Iran are crippling it's economy, the population are completely sick of it and support for the president is falling quickly.


If Israel can be persuaded to play the waiting game Iran will be pushed into submission.

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Israel has made it clear that an Iranian government with its finger on a nuclear trigger is not an option in the region.

If Iran doesn't back down on its determination to build nuclear weapons will Israel attack it's facilities? If so would the USA and Britain become involved?


I hope they do, someone needs to do it. The Jews have the guts motivation and ability

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problem with this, Israel are actually planning "the next day" what happens after the attacks. Last month Israel actually did a mock bombing run, over the Mediterranean flying 900 miles there and back which is the same distance to Iran, I don’t believe its if it’s when. And with Dec 2012 arriving fast is this when the world stops being as it is??


Apparently at any 1 time Israel has 20,000 rockets aimed at it. We think the worlds finances are bad now wait until world war 3 kicks off, which it will just a matter of time

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Even the Pentagon doesn't think Iran can fire a missile that can hit the USA at the moment. Unless you mean US ships in the gulf or US interests in the Middle East.




I referred to Iran attacking US interests in the region. That could involve attacks on oil installations, blocking the straights, attacking embassies, or strikes at US military/civilian targets in the gulf or even Afghanistan.

They hit the US embassy in Carters time and took the staff hostage for more than a year.

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Israel has made it clear that an Iranian government with its finger on a nuclear trigger is not an option in the region.

If Iran doesn't back down on its determination to build nuclear weapons will Israel attack it's facilities? If so would the USA and Britain become involved?


The leaders of Iran, however objectionable, are not suicidal

psychos. They realise and attack on Israel would be the end

of Iran as an inhabited area as israel would not hesitate to

use nukes for a second. They are planning to lead Iran for the

rest of their lives or until the country goes broke .


Of course Israel could stop Iran's nuclear program. They could use their own nukes on it, though that would be too outrageous. Short of that they could go after it with lots of bombers and missiles, though that would also provoke outrage and retaliation, and damage their reputation and diplomatic capital. Moreover the Iranians would build their program back with greater urgency. So what's the point here? It's that Netanyahu is angling for a small slice of votes in a very small country, where most people are against attacking Iran anyway, and the fact that he's willing to get Washington into such trouble over it shows what an unreliable ally he is.

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I'm not quite sure that it works like that. I think that events would most likely follow the following script.


Israel bombs Iran's nuclear facilities.

Iran retaliates with strikes against Israel and US/UK interests in the region.

US and UK retaliate with strikes on Iran.


And then what?

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I referred to Iran attacking US interests in the region. That could involve attacks on oil installations, blocking the straights, attacking embassies, or strikes at US military/civilian targets in the gulf or even Afghanistan.

They hit the US embassy in Carters time and took the staff hostage for more than a year.



Iran doesn't invade countries with its state military anymore, remember the iran iraq war 8 years and they coudn't beat iraq ,their airforce is years old and out of date.what it does do though is use its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah

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Currently there's alot of sabre rattling but the US are doing quite alot to calm things down.


There's been some mention that if Romney gets in he'll be alot more gun-ho than Obama and a joint Israel/USA strike against Iran would become a definite possibility.

Currently tho the economic sanctions against Iran are crippling it's economy, the population are completely sick of it and support for the president is falling quickly.


If Israel can be persuaded to play the waiting game Iran will be pushed into submission.


don't forget Israel needs an enemy from an economic point of view. Iran suits well as it is already an enemy of the West and of its own people. Without an enemy, Israel would not be showered with billions in (military) aid by the US. Imagine a quiet and peaceful non-occupying state with democratic neighbours. Who would give money?

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An interesting question was put to Romney and Obama during the last Presidential debate which asked something like "In a scenario where Israeli bombers launched a strike against Iran and the bombers were on their way and you were notified after the fact, what would you do"?

Romney asnwered that scenarios were not relelevent to the discussion and I dont remember how Obama responded but both made one thing very clear. If Iran ever attacks Israel then Israel will receive full US backing.


Obama pointed out (and very accurately) that the Iranian economy is currently in a shambles and as the restrictions and boycotts continue will only get worse, thus the current policy in time will achieve results without any necessity to launch an attack and whatever is said I really dont believe that Israel would go to war single handedly and risk world wide condemnation as a result.


The Iranians come from a very ancient civilisation and have never been known to be aggressors throughout history. The current nut jobs who now run the country might like to indulge in a little saber rattling now and again but they're certainly not crazy or suicidal either and that should be born in mind.

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