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Is Israel building up for a strike againt Iranian nuclear facilities.

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Even the Pentagon doesn't think Iran can fire a missile that can hit the USA at the moment. Unless you mean US ships in the gulf or US interests in the Middle East.





The US has always considered the biggest threat it faced was a nuclear bomb arriving in a container ship in an east coast harbor such as New York. If you don't know its in there you can't shoot it down with a missile.

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That would probably do the job. - But the original post suggested that the Israelis were going to carry out the attack. Even if they had GBU-57A/B's, there would remain the small matter of getting one to the target.


What would the Israeli's use to drop it? - You can't send it by FedEx; to make it work you have to drop it from a great height.

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Could a 15 ton bunker buster that blows apart 200ft of concrete be the bomb that stops America's adversaries from developing nuclear weapons?


The U.S. Air Force has unveiled the Massive Ordnance Penetrator - dubbed the Big Blu - and speculation is already mounting that it may be used in airstrikes on Iran or North Korea.B-2 Stealth Bombers will use the six metre long GPS guided rocket, fitted with 2.5 tons of explosives, to smash open underground bunkers and tunnels suspected of containing weapons of mass destruction.


That sounds just wonderful. Possible war with China as a result of airstrikes against North Korea and the Straits of Hormuz blocked for months as a reprisal by Iran for an airstrike against them.


Get your bike out cos petrol will cost about 8 pounds a litre :D

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I just don't buy Israel going it alone. Too risky and they don't really have the right kit for it. Bear in mind the last time they did something on a fraction of the scale of this they had detailed Iranian intelligence on the target and Iranian airbases to bug out to if something went wrong (how times change,eh?) Over Iran they can't launch rescue missions for downed pilots and while the Iranian airforce is very third rate their missile defences are pretty damn good, at least against what Israel could throw at them over such an extended range. Turkey seem unlikely to want to play ball and the diplomatic fallout for using Turkish airspace would be too great so the options are either **** off Jordan who are about their only "ally" left in the region or risk the run over Saudi and hope the Saudis don't let them through and then gain some presige points and leverage on Iran not to attack them by attacking the Israelis on the return leg.


Just too many factors that could go wrong and while Bibi will continue sabrre rattling I think it's for for internal political reasons and less a credible threat to act.

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.. speculation is already mounting that it may be used in airstrikes on Iran or North Korea....


That sounds just wonderful. Possible war with China as a result of airstrikes against North Korea and the Straits of Hormuz blocked for months as a reprisal by Iran for an airstrike against them.


Get your bike out cos petrol will cost about 8 pounds a litre :D


That is, of course, speculation in the Daily Mail and AFAIK, they don't decide anybody's defence policy.:hihi:

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A recent poll has shown that after a decade of two wars and a brutal recession most Americans have grown deeply skeptical of the benefits of the global leadership role that the President and the Republican challenger backed by the foreign policy establishment, insist is the wisest course and destiny.


Andrew Kohut president of the Pew Research Centre which conducts extensive polls stated "there's a dramatically more isolationist sentiment that's been there for some time and a popular demand for cuts in military spending


A Pew Research Poll found this month that 2 out o 3 Americans believe the US should be less involved with leadership changes in the Middle East. Fewer that 1 in 4 said it should be more involved.


Romney wants to cut 5 trillion dollars in taxes and increase defence spending by 2 triliion dollars even though the Pentagon says it doesn't need the two trillion. He's also criticized Obama because the navy now has fewer ships than it has in several years ignoring the fact that the navy today is far more deadly in it's weaponry and capability for waging effective war that it was 20 years ago.


So Romney's way of thinking is like George Bush's was. Slash taxes and then go out and spend money like a drunken sailor. If he wins I would be very interested to see how he would balance the budget

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Israel can and does what it likes, and chaos is the name of the game in the region. It could and possibly will nuke Iran, and who is going to do anything but at worst spit? Nukes have not been used for a long time, and nuking Iran that has no nukes, can be blamed on Iran! Why because people, the plebs know nothing of any consequence, and can be sold anything, to justify any outrage. What has happened about the invasion of Iraq? Illegal? Yes! So what? So those in powerful positions could not give a dam whatever people think or are outraged, tear gas, batons and bullets is the medicine for people who question or complain. Know you place, you are nothing!


And why should Israel orchestrate wars in the middle east, Africa, and other regions???? The reason is simple, and the plebs don't get it.....and this quote said it all...."War has always been a business, it is just that now, it is the “negotiation method of choice” for all other businesses. There would be no world economies, no oil, no minerals, no narcotics, no crime, no terrorism, no weapon, nothing but peaceful people living fulfilling lives.

Nobody wants that, it is considered a “poor business model.”

So wake up you powerless bunch of nobodies, and remember your place, you have no say, and your opinions, and if you decide to develop any, and never forget, anyone can have an accident, its so simple to solve, and who gives a f**k about you, your opinions, your life, family but you?

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