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Are the youth of today far better behaved than their elders?

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You often hear elders demonise the youth. After speaking to an older person you could quite easily be forgiven for having a picture imprinted into your mind of a Britain where hoards of feckless youth roam around the streets instead of going to school. Youths carrying weapons, selling drugs, impregnating each other, robbing the elderly, fighting for pleasure, smoking crack, drinking superstrength lager for breakfast, burgling dwellings, shouting, swearing and so on and so on.


But that's a load of rubbish. Today's youth are like Saints compared to previous generations.


They are;


Drinking less

Fewer take drugs

Breeding less

Breeding later

More polite

Truanting less






We have to ask ourselves, why are the youth of today far better behaved than their elders?




I would almost describe that as a TROLL post, IMHO of course.



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What a load of tripe.when i was a youngster we had respect for the police,our parents,teachers,old people etc,can you honestly say the same for todays youth.


No quite a good point there is less respect from kids towards police and teachers etc but you can't blame the kids for that they can only learn from the parents and other adults around them, it's the whole nanny state we have in this country unfortunately, kids haven't just decided to be less respectful it hasn't been part of the upbringing for a long time now and this is where it has led to.

But it's a minority that ruin it for the rest I believe most of the younger generation are quite respectful and polite.

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The 80s might not have been the best time, but back then there was a lot more council housing to go around, and it was a lot lot cheaper. Since then the situation has got worse!


Back in the 80s you had football hooligans fighting all the time in expensive clothing!


Nowadays you see polite young non-violent people in primarni clothes up to their eyeballs in education debt and priced out of housing. The media commonly acknowledges that they will be poorer than their parents.


Why aren't they wearing expensive clothing and fighting like animals at football matches?


Were you and or your family alive in the eighties?????????????????

or were they all just too priveledged to experience it like the rest of us? there may have been more council housing but most people I knew couldn't get it. Yours isn't the only generation to have slept shifts in beds, and know why you get up before working hours when you sleep in garages!!!!! and what about the miners, the steelworkers-whole communities pushed into poverty.

oh we did have it so cushy.

and what on earth do you think football has to do with anything?

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If people are leaving it till "later", in other words, when they're older, say mid 30's onwards, then said people are no longer in their youth are they??




'Youth breeding later' is not an oxymoron. Youth and later aren't sufficiently opposite or contradictory.

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