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Are the youth of today far better behaved than their elders?

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How long were they at 16%?


I can't recall my mortgage going up to 16% at all. It was at 12.75% for some time though. I'm currently paying 1.85%.

The property owning class have never had it so good.



The next generation might well have a bone to pick with us.

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I can't recall my mortgage going up to 16% at all. It was at 12.75% for some time though. I'm currently paying 1.85%.

The property owning class have never had it so good.



The next generation might well have a bone to pick with us.


Yes we bloody well do!!! :mad:

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I reckon chemIst has been kidnapped by a gang of hoodies and has been force-fed crack or skunk. How else would he post such piffle ?


He 's not a troll so there must be some bizarre reason for his most un-chemIst-like behaviour ?


You O.K. chemIst ? Been in the city centre on a Friday or Saturday of late ?

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I reckon chemIst has been kidnapped by a gang of hoodies and has been force-fed crack or skunk. How else would he post such piffle ?


He 's not a troll so there must be some bizarre reason for his most un-chemIst-like behaviour ?


Evidence shows that young people are better behaved today, it's just a fact!


You O.K. chemIst ? Been in the city centre on a Friday or Saturday of late ?


I've had some type of flu, hardly been drinking or smoking at all!

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I was born in 1957 and the 70's as a youth was scary. Vandalism was far worse than it is know and look at someone the wrong way and they wanted to fight you.


Yes the pubs was full as it was a way of life back then but now people have cars to run and better in home entertainment. Going to the pub is a waste of money and about time to. Can anyone old enouth remember how many turned in for work on a Mondays? The working mens clubs where heaving on a Sunday night.


In the 60,s electricity was expensive and it is going that way now. I remember many a house who had the power turned off and was burning candles. Rent was also very expensive as it is today. My school uniform had to last 2 years and the jumpers was always hand knitted. I would say poverty then was as bad as today if not worse.


I got my first mortgage in 1979 and the rate was 15% and went up to 17% then down to about 9%. I was told when I applied for my first mortgage not to worry to much about the high interest rate it is just a blip. The average % over the previous 20 years was only 9.6%. What a relief!


I was on the housing list from 1977 and was quoted 8 years for Wisewood and 2-3 years for less desirable area's. Come 1979 I did not need to be on the list but they did contact my Mother in 1981 to see if I wanted keeping on the list. Never did get offered a house. Come the early 80's and it was then the fashion to get pregnant and jump the housing queue. That upset a lot of people and the pregnant 17 year old didn't just get a 2 bed but often a 3 bed.


The early 80's was as bad as it was today for unemployment. and come the later 80's in came the youth training schemes. I did train one lad up successfully but had a lot of failures with disoriented teenagers not knowing what they wanted.


The youth in the 80's was cheekier than my youth and I put this down to the no caning policy in the schools and The Bill on the tv which showed that you can answer the old bill back and get away with it. But they was also smarter in dress.


The early nineties we still had that useless yts scheme but come towards the late 90's things picked up for the teenager in employment.


As for violence well lets look back to our own youth. We have no respect for our own age group (youth) no matter what decade we are in. Look at someone the wrong way or look different and you could be in trouble. But I would say todays youth has got it good in one way (IT) but are in bad times when it comes to employment. As for attitude well they certainly know how to speak up for themselves and don't stand for any nonsense. In my youth you had to reach 21 before you could speak up for yourself. The elders wouldn't stand for it.

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