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What do you think of tongue piercing!?

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Originally posted by sharpsinger

A short burst of quite harsh pain, followed by at least a week of soreness, swelling and inabilty to eat or speak properly, and then constant irritation and fiddling....


oh yeah sign me up for that :loopy:





Sounds like you got your bit caught in your flies.

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Originally posted by sharpsinger

well hello again :)


I'm quite a wuss really when it comes to anything that might even 'hurt a bit' which is why the only thing I ever had pierced was my earlobe, and why I've always shied away from a tattoo.


although if I had had a drink, and someone said it might be 'a bit of a laugh' I could be persuaded :heyhey:


(I'm a sucker for the words 'come on it'll be a bit of a laugh')




Hi again

I've just stuck to having my ears pierced...don't like the sound of anything else being done.

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I love my tongue piercing. I've had it for ten yrs and I never had any problems with it. Never short of something to play with though my friends tell me it sounds like someone is knitting when I'm clicking it against my teeth. If you bite down on it when you're trying to eat it's very bad for your teeth - dentist hate them 'cos they chip and fracture people's teeth. But then so does Granary bread!


You *can* eat after having it done, it just aches a bit for the first day or so and sort of swells up then goes down a few times during the first week. It's a pain to rinse out with mouthwash everytime you eat or drink anything but not much stops me eating. In fact they suggest you get your blood sugar up before having it done so that's a good excuse to eat chocolate if ever I heard one. I don't recall it hurting as they numbed my tongue - it was a bit like after a trip to the dentist for a time afterwards. It didn't bleed much either but I dunno if that differs by individual.


Affects some ppl's speech - affects everyone's in the first week when it swells up, just gives a bit of a lisp. Some people tho it seems to affect permanantly.


I went out with a bloke who had his done and he had a speech impediment anyway which his tongue piercing of a bolt didn't exactly help. It's great kissing someone with one - adds a bit extra interest I think.


Never had any complaints from guys either ;)


It is really common now though. Which can be a good thing as it means piercers get plenty of practice to get it right as I've heard if they get it in the wrong place they can paralyse muscles and all sorts. Urgh.

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I think they look extremely chavvy and cheap, and it seems that almost all towny girls have them along with a little mess of tattoo at the base of their back. I am sick of all these people who have no imagination just following like sheep


And when I see men with them I always assume it is because they are gay, but I understand that hetrosexuals have them as well now, although why a hetrosexual man would want to display them selves in such an outrageously camp way is beyond me.

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Originally posted by muddycoffee

And when I see men with them I always assume it is because they are gay, but I understand that hetrosexuals have them as well now, although why a hetrosexual man would want to display them selves in such an outrageously camp way is beyond me.


They may have one for the Ladies :heyhey:

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