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What do you think of tongue piercing!?

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Originally posted by muddycoffee

And when I see men with them I always assume it is because they are gay, but I understand that hetrosexuals have them as well now, although why a hetrosexual man would want to display them selves in such an outrageously camp way is beyond me.


Better tell the missus she's no longer required and get myself a leather cap then I suppose. :P

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Originally posted by slimsid2000

Yes. a real turn off.


I hope you don't mind me asking but why does a nice middle class girl like you want to get her tongue peirced, dye her hair artificial blonde and go to clubs with drugs in them.


I am not trying to be offencive, I am genuinely intersted.



sorry, are you taking the mick? just because I am middle class doesnt mean I cant experiment!?

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Originally posted by kathythebean

Girls just wanna have fun, sid.


My advice is that if you are already asking whether we think it's cheap and tacky it probably means you sort of feel that way yourself. Otherwise you'd have posted "I think it looks sexy and cool what do you think!" :)


Think about it carefully before doing it.

good point there kathy! You have made my decision for me thank you. Wont get it done

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  • 5 years later...
i need some help i just got my tongue pierced and now they put the little bar in does anyone know the lenght of it or the gage? Thank you


It should be the length of your tongue once the swelling and the healing process has started (generally this is put in two weeks after youve pierced your tongue) Your piercer should confirm what size and gauge is being used.

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