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Nether Edge Hotel/Tavern- Have you been?


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Just wondering if people have been in the Nether Edge Tavern? And what they think of it. Beers/food/place in general.

To be honest i work in there and have been discussing ways to pick up on trade. We thought of quiz nights, karaoke (god i hope not!!) start darts nights/sports nights etc.

Just wondered what the locals views were and what you want out of your local pub.

Also prob worth mentioning that we now have a 12 O'clock licence through the week.

Cheers guys.

Love your friendly local bar maid!

p.s Can i just also mention that i'm not paid on commision!

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I went last March and it did feel a little bit like I was gate-crashing a guest house. I did like it though. The only prob I could suggest is that it didnt look like anybody could go in as a pub...it looked like a hotel. Unfortunatly I don't live locally and I visited as part of my quest to do all the pubs in SHeffield

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