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Death Of A Cockerel !!

old tup

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As an infant Tup in the late 40s our family lived in a cottage at the bottom of Livesey St which at the time was a smallholding.It was split into two large yards one higher than the other on the top yard farthest away were two pig styes holding around ten pigs,next was a set of hutches holding around 30 rabbits a couple of goats roamed free.Then we had around six geese and a good few hens plus a very nasty cockerel,in the bottom yard stood the cottage with a barn plus privy at the front,a small apple orchard and garden with a large lean to heated greenhouse stood at the back.In the barn we had a pony complete with trap,we also boarded a large dray horse belonging to the steel hammer works standing across from where the B and Q store is now at the bottom of Bradfield Rd.Now as an infant living among all these animals was magic we also had three dogs plus three cats,I roamed among them with no problems apart from the one end of the top yard inhabited by the cockerel,as soon as he saw me he flew at me wildly making a right racket,he always went for my bare legs pecking lumps out making them bleed.I would run in the house rourin to my ma who got on to my dear old easy going mild mannered father [not],"Are tha gonna sort that bleedin cockerel art or what?".Dear old dad arose muttering something obscene under his breath and proceeded into the kitchen withdrawing a large razor sharp carving knife on his way to the top yard were he proceeded to stalk the cockerel.After chasing it around for a good while pops famous temper was in overdrive,at last he caught up with it taking off its head with one stroke a samurai would have been proud of,I couldn,t believe my eyes it kept running with no head on blood spurting out of its neck,it keeled over a few yards later."Thats settled your hash you bleedin nuisance"pop said panting heavily,we took him in plucked him,gutted him and roasted him for dinner, the cockerel not pop!.:roll::confused::hihi::hihi:

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You might have been better keeping the cockerel and having your owd lad for dinner,did you need councilling after your traumatic experience,bloodyhell Tup I bet its boring now after living down there,how are you managing now theres no sulphar fumes to oil yer lungs.

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You might have been better keeping the cockerel and having your owd lad for dinner,did you need councilling after your traumatic experience,bloodyhell Tup I bet its boring now after living down there,how are you managing now theres no sulphar fumes to oil yer lungs.


You could be right about our owd lad cos he led me a right old dance growing up,looking back I was a little get I would never behave the more he smacked my arse the more rebellious I got!.Your definitaly right about the sulphar it used to come down in clouds,I still have congestion on my chest now I swear that caused it,the Power Station cured it with the enormous filter chimney they erected after public outcry!.Did you live in the area Bullerboy,Shirecliffe perhaps?.:D:confused::hihi:

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Yes I did on the other side of the tip,and you sound like you could be my twin brother,your dad have a push bike when he was younger by any chance.We used to go swimming round the cooling towers and riding in the tubs from the power station and collecting wood from the graveyard,oh we got into all kinds of dodgy things.Todays kids dot know what they are missing.I think the SAS could have learned from us.

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  • 3 months later...

Next door to our house is an orchard where our neighbour keeps chickens and rabbits.

One day when the grand kids were visiting I took them round to feed the left over salad lettuce, carrots etc to the rabbits.

The leftovers were in a yellow plastic bucket that the cockerel took a dislike to and attacked. Also got me on my knee the b...gr

I was amazed to find he'd pecked a hole straight through the tough plastic of the bucket.

A few weeks later whilst chatting with my neighbour he mentioned the cockerel and showed me his leg. the cockerel had made a right old mess and I said "wow that looks sore". He replied "not as sore as the cockerel, iL est mort" ;-)

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For the first time ever Grandma was wearing slacks to feed her chickens, now Mr cockerel didnt take to kindly to that so flew at her pecking,grandma with one swipe of a brussel sprout stalk soon put a stop to that, he was not that bad with few potatoes ect in the stew pot mind you think meat was still on ration so anything with eye's and legs tasted yummy


---------- Post added 02-02-2013 at 12:36 ----------


Now for all you chicken lovers out there the question is back in the dark ages for a chicken to keep on laying you had to have a cockerel, the chicken became broody once a yr and we had to sit her on pot eggs,now today we get eggs with no **** in sight i dont understand

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