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Housing Benefit to be reduced up to 25% but no Mansion Tax for the rich.

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So, not only do we find "money comes to money" (as always, as my late mum used to say) it's "heads they win, tails we lose":-


We can't even take in a lodger, to help make up this very blatant "stealth tax".


According to the rent I'm currently charged for my property (£80/ week) I will be paying £12, approximately, to enable me to stay in my adapted property.


My settees have been occupied a few times, there is also a mattress to pull out (most young people [my peers] I know have a spare mattress - often in use!). Have never charged - probably could! (wouldn't want to), but people always pay in kind - food/smoke/drink.


I recall 7 sleeping a council bedsit for a while, but seldom do you see no more than 3 to a council bedsit/1bed flat. Way things are going you kind of have a black market in housing!

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People in this country get a fair days pay. Open your eyes to other parts of the world.


How do you think people managed before April 1999.



But, we don't live in other parts of the world. Stuff costs less in the developing world, so wages can be lower and people can survive.


Open your eyes to the fact that we have a growing and increasingly menacing underclass, who would steal your Granny if you left her outside Aldi. Somehow, we must make work pay.


At the moment, wealth is poorly distributed in this country. You can offer poverty wages if you think that is the solution. If you do that, buy a big dog whilst you are at it.

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So, left wingers want minimum wage to be raised, then they want childcare costs to be lowered.


Is that just have cake and eat it? Or is it just another case of expecting the hard-working/talented to subsidise the lazy/dim?


I don't want the minimum wage to be raised. I want living costs to be brought back to a reasonable level. That means rent caps, intervention in the housing market to bring prices down, punative action against utility companies, action on childcare costs. We don't need to keep feeding more money to people but rather we need to recognise why we are having to do it, and that is government failure to control basic living costs.


Childcare costs are too high in the UK, almost the highest in the World. In terms of the government's aims to cut red tape that should be a target area. For example the numbers of registered childminders has fallen dramatically due to Ofsted requirements, training, insurance etc... Bang, hundreds of thousands of affordable childcare places gone.

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Maybe if you read my post again, you'd get my point.


If folks can't cover their costs by working, they won't work. At the moment, the state subsidises them. If it didn't, then the employers would have to pay more, or they would get no workers.


It is easy really. Poor employers, who refuse to pay a living wage are the ones getting a state handout. That has to stop.


BTW. A typical child minder will care for four kids, that's how they make enough money.


How about the state stops subsiding people and people live within their means just like they used to do just a mere 13 years ago when employers paid even less than they do now.


....and I can tell you the cost of living was not THAT much less than today.


I wonder how we managed it?


Maybe we just realised what we ACTUALLY needed rather than what we just THINK we needed.

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In between your working hours just like the millions of working people do now.


Not everyone works full time hours with one job. Plenty of people have got more than enough capacity to do a second job and/or overtime hours if they CHOOSE to.


The state does not owe you a lifestyle. You pay your own way in this world.


My mother worked 14 hour shifts for the GPO 5 days out of 7 and still had plenty of time to raise 4 of us and run a home. There was no bleeting on about time to "interact with their children" "time to eat" nonsense. They worked to bring money into the home. Nobody else was going to be paying for our upkeep. Why the hell should they.


No child tax credit, working tax credits, EMA, income support allowance...etc..etc.. back then.


Somehow we all managed to be raised perfectly well.


Family allowance, free school meals, free school milk etc. MIRAS and other tax relief. Some things have gone, some have become introduced, many things are similar, some things have been renamed.


Pubs go out of business nowadays. Increasingly so!


Back in the day, people here could afford to get drunk, have greater amounts of children, start the NHS, build and buy houses, fund pensions etc. etc.


Back then men could build, now builders are out of work and we lack housing and other infrastructure.

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I don't want the minimum wage to be raised. I want living costs to be brought back to a reasonable level. That means rent caps, intervention in the housing market to bring prices down, punative action against utility companies, action on childcare costs. We don't need to keep feeding more money to people but rather we need to recognise why we are having to do it, and that is government failure to control basic living costs.


Childcare costs are too high in the UK, almost the highest in the World. In terms of the government's aims to cut red tape that should be a target area. For example the numbers of registered childminders has fallen dramatically due to Ofsted requirements, training, insurance etc... Bang, hundreds of thousands of affordable childcare places gone.

You're a dreamer.


How do we bring housing costs down? It's a market economy, demand outstrips availability so prices are high. There are too many people in the UK. Do we tarmac the entire country and build houses everywhere?


Utility companies pay for their gas and have to charge it out - can we force the Russians to drop their prices when fossil fuels are becoming inceasingly rare?


Child care is provided by people who are paid a wage. Should carers be an exception to the minumum wage farce so it becomes affordable? No; if people can't afford kids, they shouldn't be allowed to have them. That way we support evolution.

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But, we don't live in other parts of the world. Stuff costs less in the developing world, so wages can be lower and people can survive.


Open your eyes to the fact that we have a growing and increasingly menacing underclass, who would steal your Granny if you left her outside Aldi. Somehow, we must make work pay.


At the moment, wealth is poorly distributed in this country. You can offer poverty wages if you think that is the solution. If you do that, buy a big dog whilst you are at it.


So you saying we have a menacing underclass because people are not being paid enough.


What complete BS. That's just like the yoof Richards who went on the riots last year stealing their tv sets and trainers "cos of government init"


I have been on the bones of my arse at some points in my life but I have never resorted to mugging and stealing. You make do and bloody get over it. You work your arse off to earn your way out of it.

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I don't want the minimum wage to be raised. I want living costs to be brought back to a reasonable level. That means rent caps, intervention in the housing market to bring prices down, punative action against utility companies, action on childcare costs. We don't need to keep feeding more money to people but rather we need to recognise why we are having to do it, and that is government failure to control basic living costs.


Childcare costs are too high in the UK, almost the highest in the World. In terms of the government's aims to cut red tape that should be a target area. For example the numbers of registered childminders has fallen dramatically due to Ofsted requirements, training, insurance etc... Bang, hundreds of thousands of affordable childcare places gone.


Of course the other side is if you choose to have kids you bring them up yourself and pay for it,dam thats so old fashioned isnt it looking after your own children.

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So, left wingers want minimum wage to be raised, then they want childcare costs to be lowered.


Is that just have cake and eat it? Or is it just another case of expecting the hard-working/talented to subsidise the lazy/dim?


You have me down as a left winger but I'd have away with minimum wage if the tax system was fair.


We need to reduce EMTRs first. EMTRs determine if work is worthwhile. They are for all intents and purposes taxes.


If you effectively tax somebody at 100% they won't work.

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