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Romney should win the election

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Ultimately it will make very little difference who wins.


Obama continued many of Bush's policies and "Mittens" has already said he wants to keep some of "Obamacare" despite criticizing it earlier.


Amusingly Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, can now be classified as a war criminal.


UN Official: Aspects of US Drone Program Clearly 'War Crimes'


Since the buck stops with Backtrack Quobama, he is de facto, a war criminal according to the United Nations.


Obama defends US drone strikes in Pakistan [bBC News]


But "Mittens" would have done exactly the same.


They could just bomb the crap out of the villages and places where the terrorists hide or invade and kill them at close range neither option which is very desirable. Since terrorists make a habit of hiding behind women and children and the Pakistan government and Intelligence Service aid and abet in sheltering them then a drone strike will cause the deaths of some innocents.


At least the strikes are achieving some good things


Killing the leaders and weakening groups who plan nothing but harm to the US. So screw the UN. They're a useless bunch on non achievers anyway.

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They could just bomb the crap out of the villages and places where the terrorists hide or invade and kill them at close range neither option which is very desirable. Since terrorists make a habit of hiding behind women and children and the Pakistan government and Intelligence Service aid and abet in sheltering them then a drone strike will cause the deaths of some innocents.


At least the strikes are achieving some good things


Killing the leaders and weakening groups who plan nothing but harm to the US. So screw the UN. They're a useless bunch on non achievers anyway.


How may terrorist attacks have Al Quaeda launched on the US in the last four years? How many US citizens have been killed in these attacks?


For comparison's sake. How many non American citizens have died because of the War on Terror, in the same time span?


Just asking.

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Too late the Chinese have already got there,Romney is going to explode the middle east if he wins,hope to god he loses.


The middle east is already in a mess thanks to the so called Arab Spring. That's a part of the word where only strong leadership in the form of dictatorship, rather than a democratic system will work because it amounts to keeping squabbling tribes apart by whatever means necessary and eliminating the extremist religious factions.


The only chance of Iran getting into a shooting war is if it launches an attack against Israel which wont happen

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How may terrorist attacks have Al Quaeda launched on the US in the last four years? How many US citizens have been killed in these attacks?


For comparison's sake. How many non American citizens have died because of the War on Terror, in the same time span?


Just asking.


To be fair the I think its the passing of time that probably explains the drop in frequency of the things you mention, from their peak in the mid 2000's.

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How may terrorist attacks have Al Quaeda launched on the US in the last four years? How many US citizens have been killed in these attacks?For comparison's sake. How many non American citizens have died because of the War on Terror, in the same time span?


Just asking.


How many terrorist attempts have been foiled? That's the question that needs to be asked.


I can think of the following off the top of my head


Richard Reid and his exploding shoes


The underwear bomber


The Pakistani who left a van loaded with explosives in Times Square, New York


The recent arrest of another Pakistani who planned to blow up a building also in New York


There must be several more which are not released to the media for various reasons


You seem to be confused in believing that no terrorist acts have ocurred because of a lack of commitment by terorist cells rather than the real reason which is effective intelligence gathering and the deaths of several of the leaders who would have continued to plan and organize acts of terror had they been alllowed to live

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How many terrorist attempts have been foiled? That's the question that needs to be asked.


I can think of the following off the top of my head


Richard Reid and his exploding shoes


The underwear bomber


The Pakistani who left a van loaded with explosives in Times Square, New York


The recent arrest of another Pakistani who planned to blow up a building also in New York


Ther must be several more which are not released to the media for various reasons


You seem to be confused in believing that no terrorist acts have ocurred because of a lack of commitment by terorist cells rather than the real reason which is effective intelligence gathering and the deaths of several of the leaders who would have continued to plan and organize acts of terror


You are negelecting the deaths of many Pakistani and Afghan citizens who intended no harm to the US.


Still, the land of the free... eh?

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The man believes in magic underpants.


In any normal society he'd be in an institution getting help, not running for the post of most powerful man on the planet.


Rick Perry doesn't know much about anything.


And he advises Mitt.

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You are negelecting the deaths of many Pakistani and Afghan citizens who intended no harm to the US.


Still, the land of the free... eh?


The real criminals are the Pakistan government who do nothing to root out the terrorists among them and either eliminate them or hand them over to the US. But does the Pakistan government care? Not a bit. It's riddled with corruption and high officials taking big bribes to allow wanted terrorist leaders to continue to live among the every day ordinary citizens.


Pakistan is only an ally that exists in the minds of some politicians. In reality it's a shelter for terrorists

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