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Romney should win the election

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The real criminals are the Pakistan government who do nothing to root out the terrorists among them and either eliminate them or hand them over to the US. But does the Pakistan government care? Not a bit. It's riddled with corruption and high officials taking big bribes to allow wanted terrorist leaders to continue to live among the every day ordinary citizens.


Pakistan is only an ally that exists in the minds of some politicians. In reality it's a shelter for terrorists


So, all of that blame shifting makes it ok for your Government (aided by mine) to kill innocent civillians?


You should ask for a mirror for Christmas.

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So, all of that blame shifting makes it ok for your Government (aided by mine) to kill innocent civillians?


You should ask for a mirror for Christmas.


I dont reckon many of them are all that innocent. They may be well aware that the target is a leader of a terrorist cell.

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I dont reckon many of them are all that innocent. They may be well aware that the target is a leader of a terrorist cell.


So, you don't think that Pakistani villagers are mostly innocent?


I despair.

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The middle east is already in a mess thanks to the so called Arab Spring. That's a part of the word where only strong leadership in the form of dictatorship, rather than a democratic system will work because it amounts to keeping squabbling tribes apart by whatever means necessary and eliminating the extremist religious factions.


The only chance of Iran getting into a shooting war is if it launches an attack against Israel which wont happen[/quote]


Thats conjecture on your part, I prefer the the situation now, as to how it could be if the US attacks Iran after pressure from the jews.

Of course you cant see the Israeli influence in congress can you and the way they always get what they want,see my signature.wise up.

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The middle east is already in a mess thanks to the so called Arab Spring. That's a part of the word where only strong leadership in the form of dictatorship, rather than a democratic system will work because it amounts to keeping squabbling tribes apart by whatever means necessary and eliminating the extremist religious factions.


The only chance of Iran getting into a shooting war is if it launches an attack against Israel which wont happen


I'm not so sure that the Arab Spring caused any of the problems in the Middle East - but it certainly has highlighted some of them.


Supposedly, one of the major reasons for the uprisings was the increase in the prices of basic foodstuffs (particularly grains.) Given that in many places harvest yields have been very low this year, food prices are likely to rise even further and even more rapidly. The revolting Arabs we saw earlier in the year may be as nothing compared to the next lot.


How long do you think it will be before the Egyptians decide they shouldn't be selling food to the UK (and the rest of Europe)?

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How long do you think it will be before the Egyptians decide they shouldn't be selling food to the UK (and the rest of Europe)?


About the only thing we will need to worry about is when the new-potatoes season comes in, in the summer, isn't it?

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Depends which America you're talking about because at present there are definitely two Americas


And they're about the same size. It's anybody's guess who will win.


If Romney wins about half the voters will be upset initially.

If Obama wins about half the voters will be upset initially.


But in either case, how many will be upset in 2 or 3 years time?


If you look back to the end of WWll


Truman D 2 terms

Eisenhower R 2 terms

Kennedy D Half a term

Johnson D 1 and a bit

Nixon R 1 term

Ford R 1 term

Carter D 1 term

Reagan R 2 terms

GHW Bush R 2 terms

Clinton D 2 terms

GW Bush R 2 terms

Obama D 1 term.


They're a bit of a mixed bunch. It seems that sitting Presidents tend to have an advantage over their challengers - but Democrats don't seem to do so well. Harry Truman (who, from what I've read about him, was an extremely rare animal ... an honest, incorruptible politician) did 2 terms.


Clinton - who was, perhaps, hardly a role model - was pretty good at his job.


But why did the rest only get one term? Why were democrats not elected more often? - Were people so disillusioned with their performance?


Given that the average American is not fabulously wealthy and given that some say the Republicans are the party of the rich and the Democrats are the party of the 'working man', I wonder what there is about the Democrats which make them:

(a) electable infrequently and

(b) rarely re-electable?


Are the Democrats the 'kiss of death' for the middle classes?

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About the only thing we will need to worry about is when the new-potatoes season comes in, in the summer, isn't it?


You'll have to buy them from the crapauds then. - I think they'll still sell you 'Jersey Royals' :hihi:


The UK (and the rest of Europe) does, AFAIK, import a fair bit from Egypt.

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The real criminals are the Pakistan government who do nothing to root out the terrorists among them and either eliminate them or hand them over to the US. But does the Pakistan government care? Not a bit. It's riddled with corruption and high officials taking big bribes to allow wanted terrorist leaders to continue to live among the every day ordinary citizens.


Pakistan is only an ally that exists in the minds of some politicians. In reality it's a shelter for terrorists


In much the same way that Boston and it's ilk sheltered, fundraised and provided weapons for the IRA?


There are lots of shades of grey in this sort of thing.

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