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After initial angst, would society benefit if the weak were not supported?

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Nail on the head. And that's why there is nothing - nothing - special or sacred about human life.


Does there need to be a claim that human life is special in order to justify caring for our sick, disabled, injured and elderly?


Are you aware that a distinct lack of empathy is a common feature of sociopaths?

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Have you considered, mikem8634 that Conrod might be using a different thought pattern to that which you choose to believe is God (or Bog) given and absolutely irrefutably right?


are you aware that Conrod's IQ puts him quite quite comfortably within the top 2% of people in the world?


...is it 'put your money where your mouth is' time Rupert, are you really stupid, do you know something we don't or am I stupid enough to take you up on the bet?


I'll give you 10 to one on, minimum bet £100,000. (That's cos I'm a lazy-arsed idiot and I'm quite prepared to take your money off you.)


You might not agree with Conrod (and i don't agree with everything he says) but his IQ is certainly in the top 2%


His brain does not work the way yours does (thank God, perhaps.)


Are you offering someone a large bet on something that they haven't even disputed? And which is almost completely irrelevant to the topic...


So what if Conrod is quite clever, my IQ puts me amongst the same top 2%, but it doesn't mean that I think like him or agree with him on this topic at all.


But then IQ and empathy aren't strongly correlated are they.

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I've just read through this thread and it has left me very sad indeed :(


After all the events of the last century, how people can still offer up such views as that of the OP beggars belief. If anyone is in a postion of weakness, it is they.


I fully support his right though to discuss his views in public. Free speech, now there's a concept. I feel a slight tinge of irony in that we fought against the OP's contemporaries to preserve amongst others, his right to freedom of expression.


It leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

The OP has fought against a few such things as well, as it happens.


You may be another poster who misses the point. It's a hypothetical question - admittedly designed to rouse some spirited contribution - but the real subject is based on how we're buggering up the gene pool by taking survival of the fittest out of the equation.


Ok. I don't think people with subnormal intellectual capacity should be welfare funded to have a dozen kids who each will have a dozen thick useless kids funded by benefits . . . ad infinitum. That doesn't mean I don't at the same time think people born with a disability should be given all the support they need. Of course they should.


BUT - we've let the 'system' grow/erode into a negatively-charged beast which promotes lethargy, allows the stupid to do what they wish without recourse to common sense, and is creating an increasingly large pool of benefit-dependent underclass who are pulling society into the mire.


If thinking that situation is a problem has to be labelled a Nazi view, then anybody with a shred of common sense is a Nazi.




Funny old thing, how quickly Godwin's Law will rapidly raise its head.

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I am absolutely positive Conrod is using a different thought pattern to me.


Are you suggesting that a high IQ makes for a sound philosophy?


If you read back through the thread, whether you agree with the original premise or not, you will see Conrod continually ignoring or dismissing expert testimony that casts his point of view in a very dubious light.


Does the IQ test cover compassion?

You'll certainly see him dismiss outdated or dubious links which you label 'expert testimony'.


There are a good few things in life that I find worthy of a stiff ignoring, and you're pretty much there old chap!

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Are you offering someone a large bet on something that they haven't even disputed? And which is almost completely irrelevant to the topic...


So what if Conrod is quite clever, my IQ puts me amongst the same top 2%, but it doesn't mean that I think like him or agree with him on this topic at all.


But then IQ and empathy aren't strongly correlated are they.

Nor are common sense and empathy - the two rarely overlap.
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You'll certainly see him dismiss outdated or dubious links which you label 'expert testimony'.


There are a good few things in life that I find worthy of a stiff ignoring, and you're pretty much there old chap!


So, you've ignored Kropotkin and Dawkins with no counter-evidence.


How about 111?


Just going to ignore that one as well?

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Nor are common sense and empathy - the two rarely overlap.


For someone supposedly so intelligent it appears that you don't really understand what "no correlation" means... If they rarely overlapped then there would be a correlation, albeit a negative one.

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You'll certainly see him dismiss outdated or dubious links which you label 'expert testimony'.


There are a good few things in life that I find worthy of a stiff ignoring, and you're pretty much there old chap!


You ignored everyone who corrected your lack of understanding of evolution.

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The OP has fought against a few such things as well, as it happens.


You may be another poster who misses the point. It's a hypothetical question - admittedly designed to rouse some spirited contribution - but the real subject is based on how we're buggering up the gene pool by taking survival of the fittest out of the equation.

Still not getting it.


Ok. I don't think people with subnormal intellectual capacity should be welfare funded to have a dozen kids who each will have a dozen thick useless kids funded by benefits . . . ad infinitum. That doesn't mean I don't at the same time think people born with a disability should be given all the support they need. Of course they should.


BUT - we've let the 'system' grow/erode into a negatively-charged beast which promotes lethargy, allows the stupid to do what they wish without recourse to common sense, and is creating an increasingly large pool of benefit-dependent underclass who are pulling society into the mire.


If thinking that situation is a problem has to be labelled a Nazi view, then anybody with a shred of common sense is a Nazi.

Your suggestions for dealing with the 'situation' went way beyond actually addressing the 'situation' though didn't they. Hence the comparisons.




Funny old thing, how quickly Godwin's Law will rapidly raise its head.

Indeed, funny how people suggesting fascist policies are compared to the greatest fascists the world has ever seen.

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The OP has fought against a few such things as well, as it happens.


You may be another poster who misses the point. It's a hypothetical question - admittedly designed to rouse some spirited contribution - but the real subject is based on how we're buggering up the gene pool by taking survival of the fittest out of the equation.


Ok. I don't think people with subnormal intellectual capacity should be welfare funded to have a dozen kids who each will have a dozen thick useless kids funded by benefits . . . ad infinitum. That doesn't mean I don't at the same time think people born with a disability should be given all the support they need. Of course they should.


BUT - we've let the 'system' grow/erode into a negatively-charged beast which promotes lethargy, allows the stupid to do what they wish without recourse to common sense, and is creating an increasingly large pool of benefit-dependent underclass who are pulling society into the mire.

If thinking that situation is a problem has to be labelled a Nazi view, then anybody with a shred of common sense is a Nazi.




Funny old thing, how quickly Godwin's Law will rapidly raise its head.


It's got nothing to do with evolution though has it? That is your fundamental error - you're taking a narrow and biased view of the society of a country that houses less that 1% of the global population of humans and trying extrapolate some kind of theory from it.


To suggest that this small segment of humanity could fundamentally alter the process of human evolution is not a great position to argue from.


Just to ruin your argument a bit more the population you base your theory on is being continually refreshed by historically high levels of immigration from all over the globe.


Do us a favour and don't watch Wall-E when you've been on the pop (*)


(*) a joke, don't be offended.

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