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A Cruel Nasty Incident!!

old tup

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One summers evening I was chewing the fat with our old man in our front yard looking out across the field behind Owlerton Stadium,this was in the late 60s by the way!.As we chatted we saw two blokes walking two greyhounds across the field ,they stopped pointing across to where one of our cats was walking towards us.They then unleased the two dogs and set them on to the cat,it never had a chance they caught it and litterally tore it to pieces before our eyes.In the past I,ve seen my father in a bad temper but this night he completely lost it me also,we collared the two towrags who were excreting themselves,pops had one by the throat nearly choking him.Lucky for them at this moment a poice car pulled up

pulling us off them,father was too far gone and turned on the police,I managed to calm him down and they let it go in the circumstances,I never did find out what if anything the police did about this barbaric act,I was pleased to get our old boy in the house before he was arrested,we have seen animals slaughtered many times but never for sport or gratification its a pity the cops showed when they did I would guarantee those two towrags wouldn,t do it again!.:loopy::confused::huh:

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Not long ago I was looking out off my office window around 8.30 am when I saw a SMALL white rabbit running around on the drive in the house across the road I went to try to catch it with no luck I had to go back to my office for a meeting I could see the bunny and was not ready for what I saw next a neighbour not far from where the bunny was had a greyhound /lurcher the low life just let the dog out to get the rabbit and he just stood laughing with his friends what a SCUMBAG

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