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Massive Food Queues in London - UK Society broken.

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Whilst the general theme of this thread isn't far wrong, an article I read on the Bbc website indicated most who go to food banks actually work. They have rent or more likely mortgages they can't afford and cant shift their houses because nobody is buying.


Whilst alot of businesses can afford to hike wages up, an awful lot can't so we find the country in the state it's in.

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Whilst the Daily Fail was taking photos and doing their woe is me interviews - ........


I don't think that they were taking any photos.


The children cooking are stock photos.


The queue with umbrellas is in Dublin and more likely to be a queue for tickets.


The article is mostly hearsay built around a genuine press release from the Trussel Trust.

They operate 'foodbanks', but they are not a 'walk-up' service. Beneficiaries are referred (via vouchers) from GPs, Social Services, Care Workers and the like:



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What is the matter with you?


Really, what will it take to convince you that this country is in serious trouble?

Thanks to years of mismanagement by those 'in charge' (of all political persuasions,) many, many people are finding themselves in dire straights. It's going to get a lot worse and you could also find yourself joining the queue. Do you read the newspapers or follow the news at all?


Who would you blame for those found homeless in the second world war? The people for not taking care of their houses, or the bombers that wrecked them? Make no mistake we are now fighting a war against poverty in this country, and your attitude is not helpful.


But in a way he is right on the vouchers idea.


My ex-gf's next door neighbour, on benefits despite being physically fit and able, used to complain that she didn't get enough to feed her kids, whilst cracking open a can of lager at 11am. Practically everytime I saw her she either had a can in her hand or a dozen in a carrier-bag heading home. Going to the local WMC as soon as the sun pops it's head out in the warmer months. And they had all the latest gadgets, 50" 3D TV, Full virgin media package, iphones, 06 plate Focus on the driveway (in 2010) etc.


But not enough to feed the kids :roll:


So you tell me where she was doing the best for her kids?


Nobody needs a big screen TV, subscription TV, £600 phones and a car to survive, they do need food and shelter.


ALL benefits, not just JSA should be regularly checked, introduce random house visits with drink/drug testing kits. Put the threat of having NOTHING out there for real.

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The only gap they are filling is allowing those morons an excuse to spend their little money on non essentials - since the government bails them out with food they will just think "oh good I can use my dole for something else".


My point is - get rid of the food handouts and it would force them to rethink where they are spending their dole monies and force them into two simple options. Stop buying fags and booze and buy some bread and milk instead or starve. If they fail to work out this simple life choice - take the kids off them and leave them to fend for themselves until they do learn.


those GENUINELY in need of food i.e. homeless, volunerable, elderly, infirm will get food. There are plenty of services providing it.


These "queues" are filled with nothing more than lazy spongers who are getting yet another taxpayer funded bailout. It has to stop.


They get money. They get accommodation. They get travel costs. They get free healthcare and prescriptions. What more should we have to sub in their lives.


Its absolutely disgraceful.


When I was a child my mother never got handouts. There was no such thing as foodbanks. People learned to budget. People shopped sensibly. People did without booze, fags, luxury items, gambilng until they could afford to do so.


Its not rocket science.


Whilst the Daily Fail was taking photos and doing their woe is me interviews - why didn't they go and take a look at their houses to see what non essential items they have - how many have sky? internet? laptops? mobiles? fancy televisions? designer clothing? cars? What about interviewing these people to see where their money goes? Do any of them bother to work?


No...of course not. That doesn't make a good sensationalist story.


There's nothing sensationalist about the story, a change for the DM. If anything you response was sensationalist, using your prejudice against people less well off as a springboard for a rant.


Growth of food banks is a very concerning development. It's quite possible users of the service have completely fallen through the safety net and this is a last resort.


Anyway, you could look at it this way - isn't this a sign that the Big Society concept is beginning to work? ;)


Good night.

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Food prices have risen a lot over the last few years. Remember the country has had a lot of rain this year which damages crops so the price goes up. Plus other costs have risen to, the way things are going no amount of money will be enough in the end remains me of Germany in the 1930s. It will also get to the point where food banks will not be able to supple everyone who needs them then what we have people staving to death?

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I don't think that they were taking any photos.


The children cooking are stock photos.


The queue with umbrellas is in Dublin and more likely to be a queue for tickets.


The article is mostly hearsay built around a genuine press release from the Trussel Trust.

They operate 'foodbanks', but they are not a 'walk-up' service. Beneficiaries are referred (via vouchers) from GPs, Social Services, Care Workers and the like:




And the number of distribution centres is growing, as is the number of users.


Can't be brushed under the carpet. This is serious.

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Spot on.


I've said for years that benefits should be provided in the form of food and utility vouchers - not cash. The majority (not all, I know) of people on the benefits wagon are there because they're not very bright and incapable of making sensible decisions for themselves - so best take the strain from them and prevent them from self-harming by spending their benefits on things they don't need. Only giving them vouchers will help and protect them.




I said that about EMA when they scrapped that. If that was to return it should be in the form of vouchers. Too many students really did just waste the money away on nights out etc.

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Maybe it's something to do with the fact that Birmingham has the highest unemployment rate in the country.


Surprise surprise.


This could all be solved by issuing benefits in food and essential items.


I know a few people on benefits, and the ones who don't smoke or drink are fine.


Maybe that should set some alarms off for certain people.

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Food prices have risen a lot over the last few years. Remember the country has had a lot of rain this year which damages crops so the price goes up. Plus other costs have risen to, the way things are going no amount of money will be enough in the end remains me of Germany in the 1930s. It will also get to the point where food banks will not be able to supple everyone who needs them then what we have people staving to death?


Can you go further over the top do you think ?????


Food prices are going up, but unless you are literally living on an aldi can of beans eaten cold, most people will survive even if they have to economise.

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