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Massive Food Queues in London - UK Society broken.

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How many of these people in the queue are workers?


I reckon many in full time work would also be in the queue


Yes I agree. The Trussell Trust who organise food banks comment that many people that are referred to them are from working households who have a crisis of one sort or another.

Seems like were going back to the bad old days of the 1920s and 1930s. It won't be long before each town or city will have it's own workhouses :roll:

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These parents should be locked up for child absue. Clearly not fit enough to engage brain before opening their legs.


What exactly out of our hard earned taxes are these people spending their benefits on? - what the hell is going on with these people? Social support all round which is clearly being p***ed away on everything and anything BUT the essentials.


Close these food banks, publically name and shame these moron parents who clearly have no sense of managing money and hand out nothing but vouchers for the ESSENTIAL items.


No booze, no gambling, no drugs, no electronics, no fags for these wasters. Then lets see how many people cannot "afford" to buy food.


Children with at least one parent who is working are more likely to be in poverty than those whose parents are on benefits.


It's highly likely that these children have parents who are struggling to meet the rent and council tax charges along with the shopping than spending it on fags and booze.

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I hold no fascination for you. I'm just curious where you get your news and views.
Mmm - news from a variety of newspapers (I even pick up the Guardian from time to time), as it's often interesting to see how editorials from different ends of Fleet Street choose to put a story forward. As for views - from a couple of decades of travelling the world and seeing more of the extremes, both positive and negative, of life than the vast majority of SF's armchair political warriors could even imagine.
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How many of these people in the queue are workers?


I reckon many in full time work would also be in the queue


You have reminded me of that Peter Sellers film, called 'Heavens above', whereby even the rich disguised themselves and queued up to get something for nothing.

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By the way Conrod did you know that researchers have found that Conservatism is linked to low intelligence? http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/the-hot-button/study-links-low-intelligence-with-right-wing-beliefs/article2325323/


the only connection I can find in that article is that people of lower intelligence tend to form right wing ideology. What does that say about the top 3 UK political parties who are ALL right wing.



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the only connection I can find in that article is that people of lower intelligence tend to form right wing ideology. What does that say about the top 3 UK political parties who are ALL right wing.




You might want to think about your post. The article isn't claiming all right-wing people are thick. And it isn't claimng that all left-wing people are really intelligent.


What I tend to notice about right-wing arguments is that they tend to be built on an either/or basis. Something is either black or white, right or wrong etc... Quite often there is no in-between, no evidence of nuanced thinking. For example, all benefits claimants are scroungers because some are scroungers - we see that kind of thing as a premise for argument on here all the time.


The job of an intelligent right-wing politician is easy. Pressing the right buttons is a pretty simple task. Tony Blair was a master at it. Thatcher too.

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Valid last line here. Why are we producing families who can only cook ready meals ? Whilst the middle classes are happy to do a bit of home cooking, less affluent don't or can't. I'd bet the generations who don't work are the same as the generations who can't cook either. Should we be teaching our kids to cook more ?


Oh don't make me laugh.


I live in the most middle class constituency of Sheffield and there are many kids here being fed on pingping meals - they are amazed when they come to mine and are fed "proper " food.

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