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Massive Food Queues in London - UK Society broken.

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  • 4 months later...
When I food shop these days I am beginning to get seriously scared.


I already look for bargains etc (always have) but the rate at which prices are inflating is very very worrying.


I have no children at home so I can still manage; I also learned how to put a cheap, nutritious meal together from my hard pressed, makedo-and-mend, wartime mother, but I fear for families today, especially those who don't have these skills.



I think you either must be dramatic or live on around £10 a week, either way you can not be managing your money very well,

Their is me, the wife and 3 kids and I highly doubt I spend more than 40-50 a week on food, do people just buy crap constantly ? Do any of these people know how to cook a meal at all ?


Go down to butchers and get £5 worth of mince that will do 3 meals for the week o and a £1 bag of pasta or rice + sauce call it £10 all in, couple of chickens (£5) for the week 2 more meals, potatoes and veg to go with £5, then either pork chops or salad stuffs in, basically you have £30 then for, 2 more meals, milk bread cereals etc


I really don't understand how peoples shopping bills come in at around £100 a week and then they complain ! , pah then people complain they are getting fat ha don't make me laugh, they might aswell get emselves a trough With how much people pile on their plates nowadays, it makes me worry when most people take two seats upon the bus now, all fat hanging over the trousers, people need to go back to school if they can not manage their money correctly and also need cooking classes and less takeaway menus!

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I think you either must be dramatic or live on around £10 a week, either way you can not be managing your money very well,

Their is me, the wife and 3 kids and I highly doubt I spend more than 40-50 a week on food, do people just buy crap constantly ? Do any of these people know how to cook a meal at all ?


Go down to butchers and get £5 worth of mince that will do 3 meals for the week o and a £1 bag of pasta or rice + sauce call it £10 all in, couple of chickens (£5) for the week 2 more meals, potatoes and veg to go with £5, then either pork chops or salad stuffs in, basically you have £30 then for, 2 more meals, milk bread cereals etc


I really don't understand how peoples shopping bills come in at around £100 a week and then they complain ! , pah then people complain they are getting fat ha don't make me laugh, they might aswell get emselves a trough With how much people pile on their plates nowadays, it makes me worry when most people take two seats upon the bus now, all fat hanging over the trousers, people need to go back to school if they can not manage their money correctly and also need cooking classes and less takeaway menus!


a big pan of ash would last a family of five three days....and it costs a few quid....kids undernourished...only because their parents cannot be bothered with cooking and on the lookout for handouts...

porridge for breakfast before school with watered down milk...then a cooked meal everynight...todays parents need to talk to their parents how it was in the sixties/seventies...we survived...

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a big pan of ash ...


And some suet dumplings....luverly...what about a portion of home made meat and potato pie.."idle pie" my mum used to call it 'cos when you'd had some you were so stuffed you didn't want to do anything for the rest of the day..

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Especially since in the last two years we've borrowed more money than ever before, just to give it away in foreign aid.


We've got to get these Cons out, even the Church are sticking it to em, I said before this lot got in again, it would be back to the Mother Hubbard nowt in the Cupboard Thatcher days and I'm right, the Cons are back and so is wide spread poverty, REMEMBER THIS, Thatcher started the whole dole cheat and crime scenario, by looking after the rich and neglecting the poor. Get em out.:gag:

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Was that the one with the guy who lied to the food bank? And lied about his child's birthday?


The food banks are a great idea for those in genuine need. The problem is that some don't/won't check whether people are actually in need. There's this attitude of "people are already down, we don't need to make them feel worse by asking for proof that they need food". But the downside of that is that the system is open to abuse as was clearly demonstrated on the programme I watched.


The problem is trying to define poverty today, especially in developed countries.

People have come to expect a certain standard of living. Compare that to poverty in undeveloped or third world countries.

The rise of supermarkets have provided us with so much choice and temptation to want more. Gone are the days when you handed your daily or weekly shopping list to the man in the convenience store for just the essentials you required. However, this made for stringent planning for weekly cooked meals with no waste or temptation to buy by whim. (Oh, and no children to take things from the shelves and hide them in the supermarket trolley).

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We've got to get these Cons out, even the Church are sticking it to em, I said before this lot got in again, it would be back to the Mother Hubbard nowt in the Cupboard Thatcher days and I'm right, the Cons are back and so is wide spread poverty, REMEMBER THIS, Thatcher started the whole dole cheat and crime scenario, by looking after the rich and neglecting the poor. Get em out.:gag:


There were food banks being used when Labour were in power...

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We've got to get these Cons out, even the Church are sticking it to em, I said before this lot got in again, it would be back to the Mother Hubbard nowt in the Cupboard Thatcher days and I'm right, the Cons are back and so is wide spread poverty, REMEMBER THIS, Thatcher started the whole dole cheat and crime scenario, by looking after the rich and neglecting the poor. Get em out.:gag:


what poverty....cheltenham was full to bursting today..and so was the boozer...we have never had it so good....back in thatchers day...we only had four tv channels...:hihi:

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