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Witchcraft in Modern Times.

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Hi Byron...have to correct you on a few points there hunni.


Paganism does not include Nordic faiths, the followers of the old nordic gods are referred to as Heathens.


Also whilst wicca and witchcraft may come from the same root word they do not currently mean the same thing. As Dragon pointed out Wicca is a religion where as witchcraft...is amazingly a craft. A bit more complicated than your average embroidery work but a craft all the same.


The problem with the complication of wicca and witchcraft is that because of the moral guidelines within wicca it is infact impossible for them to use witchcraft or magic...because they are not allowed to harm anyone....I guess in that they are in fact unable to exist. However I know a wiccan high priest who will happily hex or curse those who cross him without a backwards glance at the rede so there are exceptions to every rule and i know many would argue that because of this high priests actions he is in fact not wiccan :rolleyes:

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Don't get me started about the damned norsies --- (bites tongue). However - heathens do include pagans as well as witches and norsies (washes mouth out with soap).


Definition time for heathen -


Heathenry relates to both the practices and worldviews of Heathens and to the practitioners - thus Heathenry can mean people who are Heathen, or what they do. In general, Heathens consider that people are called to the religion, perhaps by the gods or by the landscape, regardless of their ethnic origins. In this sense, Heathens are new-indigenes


So - I guess anyone who is schizo would be a heathen.



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well Dragon you really are joining the folks here who you have scorned about their ignorance of witchcraft aren't you and joining them in their ignorance of Heathenry.


It isn't entirely their fault, nor indeed yours that you have no knowledge of a certain faith or religion. I would suggest you follow your own advice and do a search for heathen on the net. Because your definition is incorrect.


You could start here and here You could also look up Jenny Blains work on the internet. She is a lecturer at Sheffield University and also a Heathen, aswell as a published author....one of schizos you were talking about


I doubt it will do any good though...just as you talking down to the people on this thread about their scorn or disbelief is craft is a fruitless exercise.

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Originally posted by Dragon

Halibut - the difference is purely through individual choice. Magic tends to indicate someone who is an illusionist such as Paul Daniels, rather than someone who practices the craft. You will also encounter magick - but this is a form most associated with Aleister Crowley and wicca. Magik refers to the attempted manipulation of events surrounding a person or object in order to bring about a desired change in the person or object.




So its a made up word! Riiight, that clears that up.

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Originally posted by serapis

Mumbo Jumbo rubbish!


Oh, just for the record a Pagan is only someone who is neither Christian, Muslim or Jewish in the same way a Hindu can be classed Pagan!


The right word to use is "Soap Dodger" :D


Can I be the only one here who takes an exception to these unnecessary remarks?


Calling witchcraft "mumbo jumbo rubbish" simply shows your ignorance of this cult. You should have removed the word "rubbish" and instead should have said "dangerous mumbo jumbo". Calling it simplly "rubbish" tends to undermine the danger it poses to the weak and vunerable who start to follow this clap trap because something else is missing in their lives.

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Originally posted by KenH

Can I be the only one here who takes an exception to these unnecessary remarks?


Calling witchcraft "mumbo jumbo rubbish" simply shows your ignorance of this cult. You should have removed the word "rubbish" and instead should have said "dangerous mumbo jumbo". Calling it simplly "rubbish" tends to undermine the danger it poses to the weak and vunerable who start to follow this clap trap because something else is missing in their lives.


Can't that be applied to any religion or practise...I often thought that of folk who did decopague(sp?) :rolleyes:

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Sorry about your misinformation Moon Maiden but I did do a search on the net before making my post - just to make sure. I suggest you follow your own advice - and we can keep throwing that to and fro as much as you like.


Fact - people want to adopt foreign paths such as the norse trad and egyptian mythos - good for them, but to claim it is connected with native British paths is an insult to everything truly associated with the British paths. We are importing way too much of this rubbish for wannabe witches to follow rather than folk doing a bit of hard graft and learning about the true native paths. Course I acknowledge that this is not always easy as few care to look back before the celts. Ah well ...


The definition posted in my previous response was a quote from a dictionary of the 'occult' which I am sure you can find if you look hard enough.


Perhaps the best phonetic spelling would have been majik but there is no 'j' in the alphabets I use.


Anyhow - I digress. Wikkipedia is a grand directory for some things and in others it jsut fails outright. Perhaps you should advise them of their errors Moon Maiden?



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As I said Dragon...fruitless attempt on my part I do sincerely apologise. I'll pass your blinkers back now shall I, they quite suit you actually :)


A search in an occult dictionary will no doubt have a great deal more information in it than an ordinary dictionary. I take it then that you hold same said dictionaries definition of demons as law and entirely accurate then do you?

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Originally posted by Moon Maiden

You could also look up Jenny Blains work on the internet. She is a lecturer at Sheffield University and also a Heathen


Are you sure she works for UoS? i've looked on our database but can't find them listed.

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