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The Hurricane Sandy thread

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Gov Christie,s a tough one, told the ones that wouldn't evacuate when told to do so, I'm not sending anyone to help you now, you're on your own..good luck
Short of dragging them out by the scruff of their necks, I'm not sure what else he could do .If he'd had to send out rescuers to get them, and lost there'd be a lot bigger outcry than there was.
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I guess I just feel sorry for anyone effected, even those that decided not to go. Though I do understand that they don't/didn't have the time and likely resources.
A house caught fire in Old Saybrook, Connecticut. It burned to the ground and badly damaged a neighbor's home too, while the fire crew had to watch it unable to attend to it. The way to it was jammed with so much debris wthey couldn't get past in time. If that family had not been forcibly evacuated they would probably have died. Saybrook is the ancestral home of the late Kathryn Hepburn. During the massive hurricane of 1938 her home was swept into the sea, and the family escaped with their lives, but 500 people died that day in that town. There were no rescue facilities in those days.
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I think Governor Christies most acerbic comments were kept for the Mayor of Atlantic City who ignored the Governors request for the city to evacuate people. I must admit to liking the Governors no BS approach!


Where i live in PA we have about 1.3 million homes without power and have had two or three fatalities. Luckily for us we came through unscathed and without losing power. Unfortunately some weren't as lucky and my thoughts are with them.

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Loving how Obama and Romney are cancelling the election campaigning for a few days due to hurricane Sandy, saying they need to help the people, in an attempt to look more presidential. So, they are not really helping anyone are they, what ever makes them more presidential.

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Loving how Obama and Romney are cancelling the election campaigning for a few days due to hurricane Sandy, saying they need to help the people, in an attempt to look more presidential. So, they are not really helping anyone are they, what ever makes them more presidential.


Well what do you mean exactly by "not really helping anyone"? A President can direct all the appropriate Federal agencies such as FEMA to be placed at the disposal of the affected States for a start. He can order the deployemnt of military units if needed. He can also be in direct contact with State Governors when the situation arises that any help above and beyond what's already mentioned is required on short notice

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Well what do you mean exactly by "not really helping anyone"? A President can direct all the appropriate Federal agencies such as FEMA to be placed at the disposal of the affected States for a start. He can order the deployemnt of military units if needed. He can also be in direct contact with State Governors when the situation arises that any help above and beyond what's already mentioned is required on short notice


From what I've heard from the various Governors the President has been very active in making sure that they have had all the support required. That's not to say the Romney wouldn't have done the same if he was President.

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I think Governor Christies most acerbic comments were kept for the Mayor of Atlantic City who ignored the Governors request for the city to evacuate people. I must admit to liking the Governors no BS approach!


Where i live in PA we have about 1.3 million homes without power and have had two or three fatalities. Luckily for us we came through unscathed and without losing power. Unfortunately some weren't as lucky and my thoughts are with them.


My son and his girlfriend and her daughter are in PA and I have heard from them and apart from a few minor things they are fine. Glad it is the same for you and I echo your sentiments about those who did not fare so well.

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