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Minimum wage as opposed to Living wage. Shouldn't they be the same?

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I don't look down on anyone..I just realise that different jobs require different skills and therefore a different wage...


I realise that too....otherwise we'd be living in the old USSR.


A wage that you can't live on?....Someone gets off their arse, gets a job, goes to work every day for a wage they can't live on, and have to depend on state handouts to supplement this income!

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I really think you have some issues that need to be sorted..you always go down the same route...


I don't have 'issues'...it's always you and Cyclone that seem to have completely opposing views to me that's all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion I know, I just try to make my point as best I can. You do come across as very uncaring...but that's just my opinion.

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I realise that too....otherwise we'd be living in the old USSR.


A wage that you can't live on?....Someone gets off their arse, gets a job, goes to work every day for a wage they can't live on, and have to depend on state handouts to supplement this income!


What should the minimum wage be? Does eveyone get an increase? If not what happens to differentials..if yes then what happens to inflation? If the minimum wage increases will those on it lose any benefits? If not then they are still being supplemented by the state..if they do then people will say that they are no better off...what is your solution..?

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I wasn't attempting to broad brush. I can only comment on the things other posters put on here.


Yes if you have a good job, then in all likelihood you've worked hard to get there. Some people are more intelligent than others, we know that. Some people have a singular determination to get wherever they're going. Some people are articulate enough to voice their opinions.


On the other hand, some people are perhaps not that intelligent, some people are not very articulate, some people may have had any number of problems in their life which prevented them from being 'one of the elite'. And yes, some people are bone idle!!!!


You can bet that there are fair few people following this thread and afraid or not atriculate enough to put their two-penneth into the debate for fear of being made mincemeat out of by the 'clever' ones.


Society is made up of a completely diverse set of people, some clever, some, not so. Yet everyone should be valued in society, not looked down upon because they're unskilled.


Is it really because they can't articulate or is it large brush strokes again from you.

The reality is probably they want to earn more and feel they deserve more but can't justify why they should earn more.


In my recent job search i found i wasn't "good enough" for the next pay bracket - due to lack of experience.I can only go higher by getting experience i can't the experience until i get to a higher management level.

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I don't have 'issues'...it's always you and Cyclone that seem to have completely opposing views to me that's all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion I know, I just try to make my point as best I can. You do come across as very uncaring...but that's just my opinion.


I have no sympathy for people who sit on their backside all day doing nothing and moaning about how bad things are for them...I have every sympathy for those caught up in the low wage/ benefit cycle but I don't see how increasing the minimum wage will get them out of it..

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It's an open job market..anyone can apply for anything available..people can improve themselves if they want to..but it takes a bit of effort..not just moaning and saying "it's all too hard"..


And not forgetting we joined the EU and signed up for all those treaties and open borders(without referendum) So now if there is a wage rise in the UK all those folk from Rumania, Slovakia and Poland can come over here and take the jobs, whilst the employers can move production over to Rumania, Slovakia and Poland and give them to the folks who stayed behind.

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I have no sympathy for people who sit on their backside all day doing nothing and moaning about how bad things are for them...I have every sympathy for those caught up in the low wage/ benefit cycle but I don't see how increasing the minimum wage will get them out of it..


I don't have any sympathy for those that sit on their arse and do nothing either.


As for increasing the minimum wage, it's far more qualified people than me advocating it. I however do feel that a 'living' wage is the minimum that should be paid. Far better people earn a wage enough to 'live' on, rather than exist in the wage/benefits cycle you describe. I don't have any simple answers.


Why is Boris Johnson lauding it? We can be cynical and say the Gruesome Twosome Millibands are doing it for political gain. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is a well respected organisation and they've come up with the figures and the arguments to justify it. It's not just me alone against 65 million other people!

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Is it really because they can't articulate or is it large brush strokes again from you.

The reality is probably they want to earn more and feel they deserve more but can't justify why they should earn more.


In my recent job search i found i wasn't "good enough" for the next pay bracket - due to lack of experience.I can only go higher by getting experience i can't the experience until i get to a higher management level.


Just look at the view numbers on this thread!

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I don't have any sympathy for those that sit on their arse and do nothing either.


As for increasing the minimum wage, it's far more qualified people than me advocating it. I however do feel that a 'living' wage is the minimum that should be paid. Far better people earn a wage enough to 'live' on, rather than exist in the wage/benefits cycle you describe. I don't have any simple answers.


Why is Boris Johnson lauding it? We can be cynical and say the Gruesome Twosome Millibands are doing it for political gain. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation is a well respected organisation and they've come up with the figures and the arguments to justify it. It's not just me alone against 65 million other people!


Boris J can't be doing anything for political gain can he? :roll::) Has the Rowntree foundation answered the other parts of the issue? It's all very well for someone to say "yes..pay all the low paid more" but they don't come up with the practicalities of it..you can bet that anyone on m/w would be up in arms if they got a raise but lost the equivalent in benefits..

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