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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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There is no point in trying to persuade the unpersuadable.


I've had all sorts of shots many of which may indeed immunise me to diseases which haven't even been discovered. That shouldn't be a problem - apart from the fact that I am a bit old.


I'll have to work a bit harder, I suppose. Or not. I'm immune to almost anything. Got the immunity for forfree, too. Where did you get your wide spectrum immunity?


What do you mean, you didn't?

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For once i'm going to have to agree with Rupert here.... no point in trying to persuade the corporate brainwashed souls.


Trust the injection of metals,tissue from other species etc, to help prevent disease!


Consuming fresh organic food will pale into insignificance in comparison.


Commonsense anyone?

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For once i'm going to have to agree with Rupert here.... no point in trying to persuade the corporate brainwashed souls.


Trust the injection of metals,tissue from other species etc, to help prevent disease!


Consuming fresh organic food will pale into insignificance in comparison.


Commonsense anyone?


Ok MAC. I'm out of this, because you are clearly set in your thoughts.


There is nothing wrong with scepticism when it comes to the medical profession, but you really should look at some more authoritative sources for your information. Reliance on those crazy sites that you've quoted is not a good basis for an opinion.


Try this book. I'm sure that you will be able to get it down under. Goldacre is a great writer and the book is meticulously researched.


You do need more than organic food to stay healthy though.

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For once i'm going to have to agree with Rupert here.... no point in trying to persuade the corporate brainwashed souls.


Trust the injection of metals,tissue from other species etc, to help prevent disease!


Consuming fresh organic food will pale into insignificance in comparison.


Commonsense anyone?


Explain the increase in measles re my post above...


I've given you several chances to answer this..it appears you can't...

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I was not aware of a rise in measles outbreak but perhaps this rise is due to the huge push for everyone,especially kids to take these dodgy MMR shots?




No there was a drop in the numbers taking up the vaccine,then an increase in the numbers contracting measles..



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I thought you were not going to try and persuade us poor brainwashed science types any more?


Science types...sure you did not mean trusting brainwashed souls.


If all mothers of vaccinated babies were followed up and asked their opinion on the after effects of vaccination,then a completely different picture would be painted than from the one painted by the CDC,Merck etc.

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