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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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Science types...sure you did not mean trusting brainwashed souls.


If all mothers of vaccinated babies were followed up and asked their opinion on the after effects of vaccination,then a completely different picture would be painted than from the one painted by the CDC,Merck etc.


They haven't been though, have they? The anti-vaccination lobby focuses on the small number of dissatisfied mums, rather than the millions who are perfectly fine with vaccinating their babies and then not having to worry about their babies dying of some horrible disease.


Have you ever seen a baby in hospital attached to monitors and tubes and still getting more sick for weeks while they have whooping cough (pertussis)? Have you ever had to sit there listening to them fighting for breath for day after day? No? Consider yourself very lucky then.

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Science types...sure you did not mean trusting brainwashed souls.


If all mothers of vaccinated babies were followed up and asked their opinion on the after effects of vaccination,then a completely different picture would be painted than from the one painted by the CDC,Merck etc.


No I meant science types - people who actually look at, understand and make informed decisions about these sorts of things.


Are you going to answer the questions I put up about Jenner and Pasteur? Are you going to answer the points raised by Truman?

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I woke up to this sham while reading a magazine around 10 years ago in a library. It was a magazine from memory called Good Medicine.


Reading the editors column i was shocked to read the recommendation that 'based on the pro's and cons of vaccination i recommend my readers to not take any vaccination.'


From that magazine i stumbled across the truth.Sure i could have went into denial after much researching,but not eveyone can do that.

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Have you ever seen a baby in hospital attached to monitors and tubes and still getting more sick for weeks while they have whooping cough (pertussis)? Have you ever had to sit there listening to them fighting for breath for day after day? No? Consider yourself very lucky then.


And the 200 poor souls that are seeking compensation from the UK Government after suffering serious injury after being vaccinated?


Strange it is the Government and not the Pharma companies that pay the compensation,wonder why that is?

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And the 200 poor souls that are seeking compensation from the UK Government after suffering serious injury after being vaccinated?


Strange it is the Government and not the Pharma companies that pay the compensation,wonder why that is?


200 people seeking compensation. How many people are there in this country? Almost 60 MILLION people. How come only 200 are reporting a problem?

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i wouldnt miss having the jab for the world now, around 8 years ago i got double pnuemonia and nearly died, and xmas 2010 i got swine flu and again was on intensive care and nearly died. i hadnt had the flu jab in 2010, with 1 thing and another i just forgot.


for all the people that moan it makes them pooly for a few days... so much better that than to almost die by not having it



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And the 200 poor souls that are seeking compensation from the UK Government after suffering serious injury after being vaccinated?


Strange it is the Government and not the Pharma companies that pay the compensation,wonder why that is?


So that's a failure rate of 1:300,000 then, as opposed to a measles mortality rate of 1:300. Or for smallpox a fatality rate of 1:3


In other words being vaccinated is at least a thousand times safer than catching measles, and a hundred thousand times safer than catching smallpox.


Are you going to answer the questions I put up about Jenner and Pasteur? Are you going to answer the points raised by Truman?

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200 people seeking compensation. How many people are there in this country? Almost 60 MILLION people. How come only 200 are reporting a problem?


No,if you take the time to read the article from the International Express newspaper,this is compensation from Gov workers only, who had to take the vaccines,a condition of employment.

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