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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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So how do you get natural immunity to polio then? Or diphtheria? Or tetanus?


Like I said some might have some benefit and be proven effective, maybe not ill take a look.


There's an interesting article about the polio vaccine here-




And reading this makes one wonder whether risking death by having the tetanus jab is really worth it.



"During the 2nd World War, only 5 American soldiers died of tetanus, despite being up to their eyes in mud in the trenches. All five of these soldiers had been vaccinated against tetanus, one had received a full programme of shots, the others had been partially vaccinated.

The British Army had 22 cases of tetanus in which 11 people died. All of the deaths were in tetanus vaccinated soldiers. The 11 survivors were unvaccinated. (Dittmann, S. Atypische Verlàufe nach Schutzimpfungen. Johan Ambrosius Barth Leipzig, 1981; 156).


Most tetanus cases occur in third world countries and many of these are caused by umbilical stump infections in newborns, where the cord has been tied off in unsanitary conditions.

In Western countries, tetanus is rare. For instance, Germany has only 17 cases a year. (Mass für Mass - Tetanus-Impfung (Tetanol u.a.). Arznei-Tel, 1994; 7:60).


"it isn’t possible to gain natural immunity to tetanus. If you’ve had it once, you can have it again. The body does not produce antibodies to Clostridium Tetani. Vaccination is the act of injecting a viral or bacterial substance into the body to make it produce antibodies to that disease. However, since no natural antibodies can be made, then there is no possible way that artificial antibodies could be made either. If the disease cannot give you protection, then how can a vaccine? It is likely that any raised antibody level seen after vaccination is the result of adjuvants (toxic heavy metals which are added to increase the body’s antibody response). In the case of tetanus vaccine, this substance is aluminium. "

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I had a head cold when I had the shot, I also had a Pneumonicoccl (sp??) jab too at work..


The headcold went on to my chest and is still rough but my doc said that it was viral and that half of Sheffield had it :(


Antibiotics would have not been of any use and I just have to wait for it to fizzle out itself!!



Biggsy :)

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I had a head cold when I had the shot, I also had a Pneumonicoccl (sp??) jab too at work..


The headcold went on to my chest and is still rough but my doc said that it was viral and that half of Sheffield had it :(


Antibiotics would have not been of any use and I just have to wait for it to fizzle out itself!!



Biggsy :)


Same as my wife, she's been ill for weeks with similar symptoms and had the jab. One reason could be your natural immunity was weakened further by the jab meaning it will take longer to fight off and more susceptible to other illness, like flu.

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Same as my wife, she's been ill for weeks with similar symptoms and had the jab. One reason could be your natural immunity was weakened further by the jab meaning it will take longer to fight off and more susceptible to other illness, like flu.


Another reason might be that she has caught something.


Just like most of us do, every winter.

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Another reason might be that she has caught something.


Just like most of us do, every winter.


I and my daughter though have suffered far less illness over the same period. We have not had a flu jab.

Yes it might be down to other things but vaccines do weaken the immune system. Do you dispute that?

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I and my daughter though have suffered far less illness over the same period. We have not had a flu jab.

Yes it might be down to other things but vaccines do weaken the immune system. Do you dispute that?


I do dispute that.


The whole point of them is that they improve the immune system, in a selective manner.

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Interesting thread this. Tb was well on its way out due to vaccination (if youre in your 30s you've probably had it) but is seriously on the up, mainly due to african immigrants (the article was on the bbc, centred on tower hamlets - ill track it down). I'll take dead arms from my schoolmates over tb any day of the week. I don't recall any other side effects.


Whooping cough has been mentioned. I'm a survivor. I moved house and with one thing and another I missed the jab. So I got it, and despite home cooked food and fresh veg I circled the drain and recall, in patches, how bad it was. It can and does kill people certainly kids. Tell my mother an apple a day could keep whooping cough at bay and she'll shove said apple down your throat.


Big pharma aren't angels and if you are prescribed something you aren't happy with or you can provide decent examples to a gp why you feel it isn't suitable bring it up, absolutely. Just barking at the moon, which some are, not all, isn't helpful.

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