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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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has anyone actually read that link that I put on ?


I read it. Thanks. It made me chuckle.


Sorry to hear about your Dad though. Some people do respond badly to vaccinations. Others get ill coincidentally. Whichever it was, I hope he gets well soon.


He won't have mercury poisoning though... unless he eats a lot of tuna.

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My dad had the flu jab, following few days he had intense headaches. He has not felt right after it at all then last week on Thursday my dad got the flu - or a flu like symptom. He has been coughing up all night long not being able to sleep and can't get his breath day 5 and my dad STILL can't lay in his bed, still struggling to get his breath. After my dad had the flu-jab he had intense headaches, extreme swelling on both foot and ankles, coughing up blood.




Take a look at this website ....... http://www.naturalnews.com/037653_vaccine_additives_thimerosal_formaldehyde.html


Sorry to hear about your Dad Random, but most people will have the jab and be troubled by no side effects whatsoever. On the other hand, flu can be deadly, especially to those who are vulnerable.


An elderly relative of mine had the flu last year and was knocked off her feet for 3 months. She was very, very poorly. She's only just feeling back to normal all this time later. Don't under estimate what it can do and the long term health problems it can cause.


She's now first in the queue for the jab.

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Under the impression that you are what you eat.


The extra neutrients from quality food will build your immune system.


How exactly this happens i don't know.


Lots of recent research has concluded that fruit and vegetables grown organically don't contain any extra nutrients over those grown with pesticides and fertilisers. Obviously batches vary, but overall there are exactly the same nutrients in the same varieties of vegetables grown in the same conditions apart from the organic/conventional choices.


You MAY have less exposure to pesticides with organic vegetables and fruit, but a similar amount of research has shown that very few vegetables and fruit have pesticide residue on them and that is reduced to harmless levels by washing and/or peeling them before eating.


As with nimrod, I follow medical advice because my body has been through enough in the last few years with both cancer and asthma.

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Thanks, he's never going to have the flu jab again.


That's entirely up to him. If he has a problem with vaccines (and if indeed, it was the vaccination which caused the problem - not just something else which happened) then he might want to talk to his doctor about another form of immunisation. (There is another way; you sniff a very attenuated form of the flu virus.)


Influenza is - for many people - a potential killer.


Talking to a doctor in the UK doesn't cost money.


I get a flu shot every year. It costs me nothing and the cost to the agency which does pay is far less than the cost of hospitalisation. When I was working, my employer 'urged' me to have a flu shot - again, my time off work cost more than the flu shot.


I got swine flu a couple of years ago (the vaccine didn't arrive in time.) It was somewhat unpleasant. I'd rather have a flu shot, thanks.


I had mine last Monday. I got a little sticky plaster with Tom (out of Tom & Jerry) on it. I'm mildly allergic to sticky plasters (and I forgot to tell the guy who did it and didn't take it off until later) so I got a mild rash. That was it.

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I own two dogs. They do the barking.

I see a number of doctors (far too many, IMO) and they do the doctoring. I do get a 'say' - where appropriate - but when it comes to things like "We recommend that you have a flu shot" they aren't interested in discussing the 'why's and wherefores' with me and I'm not crass enough to try to discuss it with them. I can use Google as well as anybody else.


Before we had routine vaccinations people died from ailments which are readily curable/preventable.


Now we have vaccinations.


Some people die from vaccinations - life's like that.


If MAC33 doesn't want a flu shot, that's up to him/her. Nobody will force it upon him/her.


I hope (s)he is prepared to 'go private' should (s)he need hospitalisation for flu, because it would be a travesty if somebody else was denied treatment because somebody who refused a prophylaxis had refused it.

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My dad is finally feeling better. He didn't want me to ring for a doctor he was too ill to go down to the doctors.


By the way that link was just one of many that I have seen and half of it is from the CDC website.


I'm sure my dad will be telling the doctor when he goes down next, it seemed to much to be a coincidence.


Thanks for your concerns.

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I'm glad your Dad is feeling better.


'Heart Failure' doesn't mean 'It's going to stop tomorrow' (and they do seem to get that wrong. - I was diagnosed with 'heart failure' 7 years ago.)


It still works. - not quite as well as it used to, but I've no intention of 'checking out' for a few years yet.


There are ways around vaccinations - the nasal immunisation is not ordinarily used for people above 45-50, but it is an option.


Influenza ´particularly for older people (and those with chronic heart disease) is a killer. Please do not be dissuaded by amateurs who may give you well-intentioned but medically inaccurate advice.


I am comparatively young, but I have a number of acute chronic diseases. 30 or so years ago had I had the problems I have now, I would've been left to die.


That was then. We've moved on, medical science is better and - if you want it to be - life is different now.


I spend my winters swimming hiking (boring - on the flat!) swimming and sailing.


In summer, I hike in the mountains and I ride my bike.


It's been a while since I raced - or even did a track day - but why bother?


I try not to ride any faster than my guardian angel can fly.


And nobody can catch an Oachkatzlschwoaf ...let alone pronounce it. ;)

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Lots of recent research has concluded that fruit and vegetables grown organically don't contain any extra nutrients over those grown with pesticides and fertilisers. Obviously batches vary, but overall there are exactly the same nutrients in the same varieties of vegetables grown in the same conditions apart from the organic/conventional choices.



Are you sure about that?


Other studies have shown much higher levels of neutrients in organic food.


Some independent studies have shown organic food contains more than double the neutrients.


Pick and choose the study that fits your belief i guess.




Organic foods are considered to be more nutrient dense than their counterparts produced via modern farming practices.


Dr. David Thomas, a physician and researcher, has studied and compared the United States government guidelines and tables for the nutritional content of various foods. These tables have been published by the government first in 1940 and again in 2002. Dr. Thomas has noticed a trend that supports the decline in the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables produced via modern farming practices in recent decades. Because of his research Dr. Thomas has posed the following question, "Why is it that you have to eat four carrots to get the same amount of magnesium as you would have done in 1940?"


A study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition lists many nutrients that appear to be altered based on how they are farmed. The study looked at organic apples, pear, potatoes, wheat, and sweet corn and compared the levels of certain nutrients in relation to the commercially available counterparts produced via modern farming practices. The study lists the macronutrient chromium as being found at levels 78% higher in organic foods. The study also showed that Calcium is found at a level 63% higher in organic foods and Magnesium is found at a level 138% higher in organic foods. Other studies have shown that the use of pesticides can also alter the levels of certain vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in fruits and vegetables.


In 2003 a study was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry which found that organic corn had 52% more vitamin C than the commercially available counterpart which was grown utilizing modern farming practices. This study also found that polyphenol levels were significantly higher in the organic corn.




Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/026266_organic_foods_food.html#ixzz1LENQzXRx

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