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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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Are you sure about that?


Other studies have shown much higher levels of neutrients in organic food.


Some independent studies have shown organic food contains more than double the neutrients.


Pick and choose the study that fits your belief i guess.




Organic foods are considered to be more nutrient dense than their counterparts produced via modern farming practices.


Dr. David Thomas, a physician and researcher, has studied and compared the United States government guidelines and tables for the nutritional content of various foods. These tables have been published by the government first in 1940 and again in 2002. Dr. Thomas has noticed a trend that supports the decline in the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables produced via modern farming practices in recent decades. Because of his research Dr. Thomas has posed the following question, "Why is it that you have to eat four carrots to get the same amount of magnesium as you would have done in 1940?"


A study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition lists many nutrients that appear to be altered based on how they are farmed. The study looked at organic apples, pear, potatoes, wheat, and sweet corn and compared the levels of certain nutrients in relation to the commercially available counterparts produced via modern farming practices. The study lists the macronutrient chromium as being found at levels 78% higher in organic foods. The study also showed that Calcium is found at a level 63% higher in organic foods and Magnesium is found at a level 138% higher in organic foods. Other studies have shown that the use of pesticides can also alter the levels of certain vitamins including B vitamins, vitamin C, and beta-carotene in fruits and vegetables.


In 2003 a study was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry which found that organic corn had 52% more vitamin C than the commercially available counterpart which was grown utilizing modern farming practices. This study also found that polyphenol levels were significantly higher in the organic corn.




Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/026266_organic_foods_food.html#ixzz1LENQzXRx



This systematic review:




by a group at Stanford University and published in the peer reviewed journal Annals of Internal Medicine concludes "The published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods. Consumption of organic foods may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria but differences in risk for exceeding maximum allowed limits were small". I think I will pay more attention to this than the website you are quoting.

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My dad already has heart problems.


Random I really hope your dad gets better, but he's going to have to go to the doctors it sounds like heart failure you describe. I've got heart failure & had the flu jab and I am fine, just had a cold this week.


Same with any inoculation some people react bad to it, get your dad checked out at doctors & I hope he's soon better.:)

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Some people have allergic reactions to vaccines, maybe it was a reaction to it, or maybe it was something else & just a coincidence. It's maybe enough reason for your father not to have one again, not enough reason to put everybody else off.


I had swine flu a couple of years ago, thought I was going to die, worst illness I've ever had, took months to fully recover. Flu isn't nice, but sometimes it can be serious & even kill. I think I'll be paying my £8 at Sainbury's for a flu jab soon.

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I am getting the flu jab tomorrow, I get a free one through work. I had the jab a few years ago and had no side effects.

I have had flu once and it was awful. I felt constantly sick for a week, was too exhausted to walk even just down the road, and I lost about half a stone.

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The idea that you can directly inject a witches brew of ingredients into the body to somehow prevent the flu is exactly that....an idea.


Where is the evidence to back these claims up?


The truth is there are no follow up studies of the flu vaccine for very obvious reasons.


People who get the flu vaccine from my experience actually suffer from the flu more not less.


The amish do not believe in vaccinations and they seem to be very healthy.

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The idea that you can directly inject a witches brew of ingredients into the body to somehow prevent the flu is exactly that....an idea.


It isn't. It is the truth. Admittedly, flu vaccines could be better than they are, but they do work.


Where is the evidence to back these claims up?



The truth is there are no follow up studies of the flu vaccine for very obvious reasons.


Yes there are. This article will lead you to a systematic review of them. Why not have a read.

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The amish do not believe in vaccinations and they seem to be very healthy.


Seem? Could they just not get influenza because they're a closed society which doesn't interact with the outside people who may be carrying flu so they don't catch it?


The common cold decimated the population of South America when Europeans went over there and passed it on inadvertently. Why? Because they had no immunity to it and therefore their bodies couldn't cope with the effects of the virus.


Vaccination replicates the repeated exposure that one would get naturally, but without actually having to have the virus again and again.

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I looked at those studies posted by Sibon.


So if you take the vaccine and don't come down with the flu this is interpreted as the vaccine offering protection?


Where are the studies for vaccinated against non vaccinated.


The Australian documentary Vaccines The Hidden Truth is evidence enough for me.

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