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Flu Jab - thinking about having it ?

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I have here in my hand as i write a British International Express newspaper article Tuesday Jan 10 2000.

Titled Outrage at vaccine illness scandal.


Up to 200 doctors,nurses,firefighters,prison officers,police officers,forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the last 10 years.


Experts believe the injections caused the health problems which include chronic fatigue,muscle pain,weakness and cognitive problems,because illness developed soon after vaccination.


As you have this in your hand have a walk over to the bin and put it in, then start looking at the evidence.

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Doctor said that it wasn't anything to do with the flu jab. Dad is still not well though, worst cold he's had for a long time.


I'm sorry for your Dad. - Colds are (as we all know) almost fatal to the average male.


(Which is one of the reasons I had an operation which makes it almost impossible for me to get one.)


(No, you do NOT want to have that procedure! - but it does work.:hihi:)


I have here in my hand as i write a British International Express newspaper article Tuesday Jan 10 2000.


Titled Outrage at vaccine illness scandal.


Up to 200 doctors,nurses,firefighters,prison officers,police officers,forensic scientists and binmen say they have developed serious physical and mental health problems after injections essential for their work over the last 10 years.


Experts believe the injections caused the health problems which include chronic fatigue,muscle pain,weakness and cognitive problems,because illness developed soon after vaccination.


You don't die from flu jabs. OK, one or two people in a few million might die - but then again, one or two people in a few million will be run over by buses.


You've played this tune to boredom. Nobody believes you and very few are interested. When you can come up with a serious scientific body (Ideally one which trumps the World Health Organisation and the Center for Disease Control) then I've no doubt your posts will spark up some interest.


Until then, you're wasting your time.


If you don't want a flu shot - don't have one.


The global vaccine production capacity would allow the manufacturers to vaccinate about 1 in 3 people. - I doubt anybody is going to be upset if you refuse your shot and I doubt it will go to waste, either.

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I'm sorry for your Dad. - Colds are (as we all know) almost fatal to the average male.


(Which is one of the reasons I had an operation which makes it almost impossible for me to get one.)


(No, you do NOT want to have that procedure! - but it does work.:hihi:)






Does that mean we should call you Roberta from now on? :)

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You've played this tune to boredom. Nobody believes you and very few are interested.

I'm interested, and so are millions of others who have doubts about vaccinations.






If you don't want a flu shot - don't have one.


You say that, but a lot of the pro-vaccinators don't agree with that- as they believe that people refusing vaccinations put the rest of society at risk by not helping to achieve the 'critical mass' level they consider necessary to eradicate certain diseases.


We live in a culture, remember, where compulsory medication does occur, despite large numbers objecting e.g. fluoridation in water supplies


Would you agree that each individual, as well as having an absolute right to not have a vaccination, also has the right to make that choice for their children?

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Does that mean we should call you Roberta from now on? :)


That would've been far less painful ... even if they'd used two bricks.:hihi::hihi:


I had a thing called a 'laser palatoplasty' (which has now been banned!)


The next time somebody talks to you about 'treating' something with a laser, call me and I will remind you that:


Lasers do not 'treat' anything.


They burn the crap out of it.


When a cold virus gets into your mouth it lodges in the soft tissue in the soft palate, infects the mucous membrane, causes swelling, makes your tonsils, your adenoids, the mucous membrane and the 'dangly' bit inflamed.


I haven't got any of those. I've got a lot of keloid scar tissue where they used to be and viruses can't live there.


I can read Dutch - but I can't speak it.


S'Gravenhaage is on another planet - or in another lexicon - as far as I'm concerned. :hihi:


It's embarrassing.

"What is the purpose of your visit to Holland, Sir?

"I want to visit my cousin John."

"Where does he live?"

"I can't tell you."


"OK Sir, you're going to Amsterdam to buy some cheap marijuana!"


Really embarrassing!

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I'm interested, and so are millions of others who have doubts about vaccinations.


You say that, but a lot of the pro-vaccinators don't agree with that- as they believe that people refusing vaccinations put the rest of society at risk by not helping to achieve the 'critical mass' level they consider necessary to eradicate certain diseases.


We live in a culture, remember, where compulsory medication does occur, despite large numbers objecting e.g. fluoridation in water supplies


Would you agree that each individual, as well as having an absolute right to not have a vaccination, also has the right to make that choice for their children?


As an adult I have the right to accept or deny any medical treatment as I see fit.


Kids? That's a difficult one. My Aunt died of diptheria (back in the days when people did die of diptheria.


My mother very nearly died of TB. I was positive and I had a BCG.


As a child, I was given a polio shot. One of my friends (same age) ended up in an iron lung. - He didn't get a sugar lump in time.


We (society) did eradicate [effectively] smallpox and that eradication was achieved by mass vaccination.


I'm a believer in 'minimum state intervention' and that belief extends to include 'no compulsory vaccination' - but in a case where a parent or an individual refuses vaccination and that adult or child subsequently requires expensive (and it's never cheap) medical intervention, then I'd have no problem with the parent (paying for self or the child) picking up the bill for treatment.


Why should society pick up a massive bill because the adult is too stubborn to take advice?


I take 9 tablets in the morning, 5 at night and 4 injections a day. Because my doctor(s) (who are rather better qualified than I am) think I should do so. I don't just take 'any old crap' they give me, I read up about the meds talk to them (and sometimes get into some fairly heavy-duty arguments.)


Some of the meds I take are pretty toxic (and although the evening dose would be spectacular, it wouldn't kill you.) My 'breakfast' would be extremely dangerous for a healthy human being. If you took it and you didn't need it, you might well die within a couple of hours (and if you didn't you'd probably wish you had.)


I suppose I could tell the doctor to 'bugger off' and I'd probably live without meds for 2 or 3 months. I choose not to do that.


I know (or knew) a few people with similar ailments who did just that and in most cases, they lived for about 3 months.


You pays yer money and you takes yer choice. I'd be quit happy (if I was daft enough) to blow off my high-priced highly-qualified help - Where the treatment relates to me.


Where the treatment relates to a child, I would be very anxious and I'd (probably) not go against the highly-paid advisors.

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That would've been far less painful ... even if they'd used two bricks.:hihi::hihi:


I had a thing called a 'laser palatoplasty' (which has now been banned!)


The next time somebody talks to you about 'treating' something with a laser, call me and I will remind you that:


Lasers do not 'treat' anything.


They burn the crap out of it.




"Do you expect me to talk?"


"No Mr. Bond...I expect you to die!"



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