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War Memories and possible interviews

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Hi there,

I have just received some funding to write a play about wartime Sheffield and I wondered if there was anyone out there who was alive during the blitz of 1940, or had any stories about the war.

I know this is a fairly general topic but I'd love to get in touch to discuss your memories, your thoughts or the way that Sheffield was and the misconceptions.

Please get back to me it'd be a wonderful help.

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  • 4 months later...


Just to give you all an update on this, the project is still going ahead, and gathering steam please go to our kickstarter page for more information, I would still love to hear from you about your memories.


Please go to:


kickstarter.com/ and then copy and paste this in the address bar following it. projects/1881073397/operation-crucible-the-story-of-the-sheffield-blit


Alternatively you can google "Operation Crucible" and a link to our kickstarter page comes up.


Thank you.



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Could you not undertake this without funding ? Correct me if you are funding this privately, but I'm assuming that your funding will be from the taxpayer, Local council, Arts Council etc.?

Your research should be easy enough via using this site, visiting OAP homes, advertising in the local press etc. I would be interested to hear the use to which you are putting your funding; are all playwrites able to access your source of funding ?

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Hi David,

I think you're touching on something much bigger than I have the capability to answer. We are trying to fund this privately through kickstarter and also an award we received for young producers which one of our number was lucky enough to win.

Opportunities for untried and untested arts organisations and companies to receive enough funding to produce their work is becoming harder and harder every day. Cuts to the arts have been relentless and catastrophic if you have issues with the way that tax payers money is spent please feel free to contact your MP and encourage them to put money into small scale projects like this because not enough of them are doing it.

We are aiming, as we state on the site to put the money into producing a play we are proud of, which means having long enough to rehearse properly, having enough time to amend and adjust and having a proper theatre to perform in.

Sorry it's late and I may have waffles but I hope this helps appeases.


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My mums family lived on 4 ct 1 Arundel Street through the blitz and escaped death when the house accross the yard took a direct hit,my mum said the cast iron mangle they had put against the back door was blown across the kitchen by the force of the blast,they were in the cellar,and were ordered out by the warden,my mums brother who had gone out with his friend was missing,and was thought to have gone to the nearby air raid shelter,after being led to safety they were then told that the shelter had taken a direct hit and all inside had been killed,thankfully he turned up later much to everyones relief and told them that he had indeed gone to that shelter and just as he was about to enter, was turned away saying it was full,my mum would also describe the aftermath of the blitz ,tramlines bent upwards many feet in the air,trams in craters,the smoke and the fires still burning and the smell of death

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