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Disabled parking in Sheffield


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Hi, I'm Denise, a carer for my partner who has mobility restrictions. We're just dealing with a parking ticket in Sheffield although we don't live there and I wondered if this is a frequent issue in the city or if others have had peculiar behaviour from the government offices regarding parking tickets?

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If you park in accordance with the restrictions then you won't have any problems in Sheffield, but if you park somewhere that it causes an obstruction, or across a dip in the kerb, or in an area where loading isn't allowed, or in a residents only parking zone, or during the hours of a clearway then yes, you are very likely to get a parking ticket.


Where did you park and what parking restrictions were in effect at the time?

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If you park in accordance with the restrictions then you won't have any problems in Sheffield, but if you park somewhere that it causes an obstruction, or across a dip in the kerb, or in an area where loading isn't allowed, or in a residents only parking zone, or during the hours of a clearway then yes, you are very likely to get a parking ticket.


Where did you park and what parking restrictions were in effect at the time?


Don't think alot realise this as they keep parking up to our loading area which stops lorries backing in. I admit I reported a few and they got parking tickets..

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Don't think alot realise this as they keep parking up to our loading area which stops lorries backing in. I admit I reported a few and they got parking tickets..


Well when you get a blue badge it comes with a rule book which is laid out very simply and explains all of the places that it does (and doesn't) entitle you to park. All blue badge holders are meant to read that book, but from the standard of parking I have to assume that a lot don't.


I make a point of not parking anywhere that is likely to be seen as a hazard for other road users, if only because I wouldn't like it if someone else parked there and caused a road hazard for me. I've seen people pull up on the zig zag lines for a pedestrian crossing and put a blue badge on as though that excuses parking in a place which causes a hazard to others.

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He looked for ANY disabled parking for some time and finally gave up and parked in one was for disabled but also required a permit.


Fair enough, he was prepared to pay the ticket.


However, the city took too long to send some form, their delay, at which point they said sorry we're late but now it's past the deadline and you have to pay twice as much.


At that point we decided we go to court.


Their letter also said to fight the ticket you have to use a form they would send along within 28 days.


It never came.


Instead we got an invoice with an additional 50% charge for not paying yet. No opportunity to challenge it has been made possible.


I'll be tearing into this one legally, something I have experience of accomplishing in the past, but was wondering if this sort of 'procedure' is standard by Sheffield City Council and whether the disabled have to fight for basic rights there?


Any information gratefully received.

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Hi Denice ..i received a penalty for parking in a permit holders bay using my blue badge(didnt look properly} ..the warden was still writing the ticket ! and asked why ? I cannot reverse the fine once issued ..came the reply ! but you can appeal .. the annoying thing about it was there was double yellow lines past the bay where i could have parked without question.I did appeal but lost ..i paid half the fine £30 because it was within two weeks .Good Luck!

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