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Male and Female insurance premiums to be levelled.

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If any man is rubbing their hands with glee that their insurance premiums might come down a bit, then just wait. Using the logic that was followed in this case, then we can expect the same for pensions. Any man with a pension (except a defined benefits one) will find that their annuity will give them less than would have been expected prior to this ruling.


Realistically I don't think anyone is under any illusion about where it will be going....The only people rubbing their hands with glee will be the insurance companies!

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There you go then...If I haven't said it why do you think that's what I mean? It's the same as me saying you think all young drivers should pay £100 you've not actually said it but....


So your entire postings on here, say nothing about your opinions? You merely pull everyone elses to pieces for not being precise enough?


So as a matter of interest what 'exactly' (don't forget to be precise) is your opinion on the cost of insurance for young drivers?

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So your entire postings on here, say nothing about your opinions? You merely pull everyone elses to pieces for not being precise enough?


So as a matter of interest what 'exactly' (don't forget to be precise) is your opinion on the cost of insurance for young drivers?


It's expensive ... does this make it unreasonable? Your turn...

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It's expensive ... does this make it unreasonable? Your turn...


And you moan at me for not being precise! Yep, it's definitely expensive!...Eureka!...We agreed on something!


Unreasonable?...errr...yes!...Cos everyone else has to pay for the misdeads of the few!....So the insurance campanies would have us believe.


Lets say (hypothetically) that there was a little village in the middle of nowhere. They all grow crops and feed themselves. But one family in the village are particularly greedy and fat. Then winter falls, they've all stocked enough food for the winter. Everyone else has to give the fat family some of their food to keep them going and go hungry themselves....Thats the effect...everyone has to suffer because of a selfish few.


Insurance isn't 'personal' enough.

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And you moan at me for not being precise! Yep, it's definitely expensive!...Eureka!...We agreed on something!


Unreasonable?...errr...yes!...Cos everyone else has to pay for the misdeads of the few!....So the insurance campanies would have us believe.


Lets say (hypothetically) that there was a little village in the middle of nowhere. They all grow crops and feed themselves. But one family in the village are particularly greedy and fat. Then winter falls, they've all stocked enough food for the winter. Everyone else has to give the fat family some of their food to keep them going and go hungry themselves....Thats the effect...everyone has to suffer because of a selfish few.


Insurance isn't 'personal' enough.


How much more precise can I be..? I used 2 words.."it's expensive.." :confused: Expensive doesn't always mean unreasonable..


How do you propose the companies charge someone for their first policy given that a lot of new drivers manage to wrap their car around something..? I asked you before and you didn't answer..what would you charge..how would you ensure fairness for people who have proved themselves capable of keeping their car shiny side up for a few years.. I suppose insurance companies could mitigate their losses by refusing to insure new drivers...i

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How much more precise can I be..? I used 2 words.."it's expensive.." :confused: Expensive doesn't always mean unreasonable..


How do you propose the companies charge someone for their first policy given that a lot of new drivers manage to wrap their car around something..? I asked you before and you didn't answer..what would you charge..how would you ensure fairness for people who have proved themselves capable of keeping their car shiny side up for a few years.. I suppose insurance companies could mitigate their losses by refusing to insure new drivers...i


Well at the risk of you pulling me apart as usual. What about a deposit scheme for new drivers..Oh I dunno...perhaps £1000...and charge a premium (entirely dependant upon the car I know) of perhaps £500. The £1000 could be refunded after say 3 or 4 years or taken in premiums after proof of good driving history. Something along those lines anyway.


Not wallop everyone with thousands of pounds from the word go!

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Well at the risk of you pulling me apart as usual. What about a deposit scheme for new drivers..Oh I dunno...perhaps £1000...and charge a premium (entirely dependant upon the car I know) of perhaps £500. The £1000 could be refunded after say 3 or 4 years or taken in premiums after proof of good driving history. Something along those lines anyway.


Not wallop everyone with thousands of pounds from the word go!


So in effect just lowering premiums? If insurance companies are suggesting 2-3 thousand pounds for a new driver's policy and they are still losing money ( as in the link I put up) who will take up the slack between that and your deposit suggestion..? No-one is pulling you to pieces it's a debate where not everyone agrees..if the second and every subsequent post in every thread was "yes you're right" then it'd be a boring forum..

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So in effect just lowering premiums? If insurance companies are suggesting 2-3 thousand pounds for a new driver's policy and they are still losing money ( as in the link I put up) who will take up the slack between that and your deposit suggestion..? No-one is pulling you to pieces it's a debate where not everyone agrees..if the second and every subsequent post in every thread was "yes you're right" then it'd be a boring forum..


Well no it's not really lowering premiums. In effect nobody would get their £1000 back, cos it would either be used eventually as premiums or taken anyway in the event of a claim. Plus all the deposits would be earning money while they hold them.


As for the link you posted, I did comment that it was mainly due to no win no fee lawyers and false whiplash claims. That needs to be tackled. It's no good the insurance companies just shrugging their shoulders and saying we'll just payout cos it's too bothersome to take issue with...we'll just charge everyone more! That's not the answer.


Incidentally, I don't have an issue with insurance companies 'loading' a young driver ....Once they prove themselves to be a crap driver. I just don't think it's right or fair to make the likes of everyone else pay for the stupid few!

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Well no it's not really lowering premiums. In effect nobody would get their £1000 back, cos it would either be used eventually as premiums or taken anyway in the event of a claim. Plus all the deposits would be earning money while they hold them.



At the risk of being told I'm pulling you apart how is it not lowering premiums? At the moment, hypothetically, a new driver pays £3k in total for a year's insurance..under your scheme he'd pay £1000 deposit and £500 premium? how is that not £1500 cheaper? In the second year ,as I understand he'd just pay the £500 ... Sorry if I'm missing your point but could you explain a little more...

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