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Cost of ATHEISTS to society.

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Can you put a price on tedium ?


Unless you've been blown up by Muslims or buggered by a priest I don't get what your problem is. You don't believe in anything - fine. Just stop banging on about it.

After 2,000 years of Christ, "stop banging on about it" is my feeling also.



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What is the point of this thread?


Proving how expenisive religeon is to the taxpayer.


We pay for the Pope visit. We pay for chaplins in hospital (there is another thread on that on here). Churches get charitable status so avoid paying taxes (even though if you look at Vatican City they are loaded. Also the church gets a vote in the house of Lords.


I dont mind people who follow an imaginary friend. I just object to paying for it myself.

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The only people who place themselves in a group for NOT believing in something!


Quite sad really.


I don't believe in UFOs, wonder if I can form a society?


Ok, you're an Athiest! Get over it! (as my 12 year old would say).


Then you have the cheek to bang on about Christians ramming their beliefs down your throats!


Feel better after that thanks :)

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The only people who place themselves in a group for NOT believing in something!

The history of religious belief causes this, not any word I choose to attach to myself. More petty nonsense follows.

Quite sad really.

Quite sad that a word exists, and I use it.



I don't believe in UFOs

Why not?

It's very easy to have a UFO. We just need a flying object that is unidentified. I think you mean "aliens".

Then you have the cheek to bang on about Christians ramming their beliefs down your throats!

Indeed I do. :)


How cheeky of me.

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