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Urban Socialite Bars & Restaurants in Sheffield

Sam @ Dearne

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I am doing a little research on a particular type of bar or restaurant and would like peoples views on Sheffields scene.


I am interested in venues that would be of interest to 'Urban Socialites', I don't want to go into too much interpretation of this description as I don't want to influence peoples thoughts too much.


Perhaps a place where someone with a few bob in their pockets would go. Not the Hare & Hounds set. Etc........ The words Urban and Socialite would give you a good clue. A customer with a tend towards the 'Premium' end of things may fit into this scene.


Do you consider yourself to be an Urban Socialite? Where do you like to hang out and enjoy yourselves? Do these kind of venues exist?


Now, for you cynical types out there, already reading between the lines, I am not asking for you all to do free market research for me, I have already done this myself over the last year and am just looking for other peoples views and to see where we differ or agree.


Hope you can help maybe fill in a few blanks. This may even turn into one of those threads that goes beserk and wild. I remember the Nonna's one which got peoples blood rushing!!!



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Yeah definately crystal, when i went the music fitted perfectly with the image, i would have definately called it lift music. Maybe its just that i don't have the money to seek out up scale bars, but i can't think of hardly any, would say Sheffield is prehaps not the best place in the world for an 'urban socialite' to go drinking.

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Thanks ladies, those 2 venues are certainly ones I have thought of. I have a reasonable list, they are out there if you look for them.


I had a meal in The Ivory last week and was quite impressed. The t-bone was cooked to perfection. I believe its getting more popular by the week and is perfectly situated just off West Street.


Crystal is perhaps one of the main 'premium' bars in Sheffield at the moment, I haven't eaten there yet but the general ambience is definitely 'Urban Socialite'. Its also part of a mini group who also own Kingdom and bars in Doncaster and Rotherham.


Thanks again



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It's a bit of a difficult question if you give a term as a requirement but don't define it. Maybe it would be more useful to have a thread where you hash that out first and then try to find where "they" eat/drink. Otherwise you end up with some quite wild interpretations and answers that are not accurate...in a sense you get people making up what an "urban socialite" is according to what they think it should be. I have a slight doubt that those who fit (what I"m guessing is ) your description wouldn't label themselves as such. In fact I suspect that those who would name themselves would be those who are aspiring rather than those who are...and in that case Crystal would be bang on ;)

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Originally posted by JonJParr

It's hardly difficult to cook a steak properly though is it? Especially as it's being cooked on the bone which keeps it moist anyway.


Cooked to perfection in my mind, means it has been cooked how I like and more importantly how I asked. I think this is the difficult bit. We have all had steaks under or over done. I have worked as a chef myself cooking many a steak and know its not always easy.



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