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Should women be banned from being panelists on Question Time?

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Maybe you'd state why you disagree with them, and not just state that they're rubbish and thus all women should be banned.


I didn't state that they should all be banned. I asked the question to whether they should (which wasn't rhetorical) - but was of course tongue-in-cheek as I expressed twice in the OP :)


The middle two sentences were my opinion - I thought they embarrassed themselves (and women) by arguing over each other, and not allowing each other to speak. It was like a school yard.


As for Thornberry in the latter of the two episodes, you wouldn't need to ask what she was saying badly if you watched it, as I know you aren't stupid or lacking in common-sense.


But ... I suspect you went with sensationalism to avoid being ignored. :)


;) I don't think I hid this.


Should women be banned from being panelists on Question Time?




No would be my answer too. But had I started a thread with 'who watched Question Time last week', no one would have answered - not many people watch it :)


How about banning pointless celebs who often know very little about the issues?


That would bring the panel back to 4 members.


Then pension off the weak, useless Dimblebore.


I quite like the pointless celebs in it. They generally just speak their mind, rather than say what they are told to say. It's generally ideology of course, but it gives the politicians something to try and answer.


I was happy when Dimblebore questioned Thornberry's poor logic.

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Some of the women in the audience make a lot more sense than the female politicians trying to toe the "party line" . I am also totally against the token blonde UK or US business woman who is usually given the seat on the far right of the panel and gesticulates a lot , showing off her perfect fingernails .


Give me a less than perfect REAL woman from the audience who says what we all want to hear - seem to remember some YouTube vid where a woman pwned the Question Time guests . Women should not be banned from being panelists , but should be encouraged to participate in the audience and have the guts to ask the questions that politicians don't want to answer :)

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It might be better to just ban Question Time.


Nah. It must be cheap to make, and I like it.


The audience are handpicked and usually ask stupid questions.


I would probably use the word 'obvious', though I don't know if you mean it in the same way.


People don't believe what MP's tell them so why bother asking them any questions.


I think after the other night's episode that Labour picked the wrong brother. I thought David was good on it (however, he could perhaps be more honest because he didn't get picked)


Plus Dimbleby is past his sell by date.


I think he's ok. I wouldn't want to complain, as Jake Humphrey might end up hosting it :gag:

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