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Movember - Tash growing month

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I take it you are not a fan of the old lip weasel then?

I don't think the faces of many ordinarily clean-shaven men are enhanced by it taking up residence.

...Lol Hecate, that's an incentive but then you don't get the fun making possibilities from the hairy abominations :) ...

For all things hairy I've always found sponsored waxing far more entertaining, from a spectator's point of view at least.


Three big cheers for those blokes who put up with the itchy facial blight for a month, though.

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My OH started the month looking rather like a yeti and I assume he will finish the month looking rather similar. During some part of the month he will probably get as far as a proper beard, and the moment anybody calls him Captain Birdseye he'll get the clippers out on it and start all over again. That's how it normally goes.

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LOL Medusa. Captain Birdseye! That's another one to add to my list of tash/beard nicknames :) well, I've got to make it a proper challenge for him! Hope he sticks with it for the whole month though..and all the other tash cultivators :)

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I saw a woman today who seriously looked like she was taking part, and trying really hard at it.




Back to Movember, there are people saying they're doing Movember but actually growing a beard as well, which is not what Movember is about.


Tash only.

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