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Is product quality worse now?

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I would say quality and value for money is much better these days. Even in my short life time, I have seen things like computers, TVs, videos, etc, all come down from high to low prices. I think this is largely due to the rise in competition from non-big brands who manage to produce cheaper goods, often to the same quality as the traditional big names like Sony, Panasonic, etc. Many new electrical goods are brought out at first in such a way that they are over priced, so they appeal to a niche market of more affluent buyers. Once this market is 'skimmed', the price falls down quite rapidly to appeal to the masses. DVD players for example cost hundreds a few years ago. Now you can get them from about £40.

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t020 makes some interesting points regarding the drop in prices, but I do not agree that a DVD player from the likes of Alba or Bush will ever be as desirable or better than one from the likes of Sony, Panasonic, Samsung or Philips.


Yes, 'big brand' items have dropped in price considerably, but they're still 50 to 100% more expensive than less desirable brands - not just because of the perceived image, but because of better build quality and functionality.


Would you spend £150 on a games console from Alba?

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Is this bad...


I am 21 I can remember when a penny chew was 1p, An packet of crisps was 10p and you got crisps in there not just half a bag....:rolleyes:


I suppose a train ticket is a product as well, When I go see my family in the lakes it was £14.50 least year xmas just gone it was £39.00. How can they justify that the product has got better? On time etc... When it clearly has not!! :loopy:

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Originally posted by Sam Miguel

I would say that Sella Artois at £2.99 for a four pack from Netto, represents good value for money. Wouldn't you?


It depends if you like beating your wife for under a fiver.


It's cheap, but then it is cheap low quality beer.

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