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Is product quality worse now?

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I do think you get what you pay for.


You can buy expensive batteries and you they will last you days or you can buy cheap ones thats that lasts for a few hours and have a higher posibility of a leak and damaging the goods.


Cheap DVD players @ £40 will more likely lack features than a £100 model.


However, clothes by fashion designers, a good bulk of that is paying for the name rather than the quality of the product.


Products sold in supermarket brands, in Adsa for example, are cheaper not because the quality is worst than a branded name but because they reap 100% of the profit so they can cut the prices.

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Originally posted by itsmyfault

why is it that when you buy something you never get good quality or value for money these days?

Have you considered the possibility that it's just you buying poor quality stuff? maybe you could learn how to shop around for the best deal. ;)


Anyone got some good advice on how to get the best value for your money these days?


I was surprised as a youngster when a friend told me always to ask for a better price when you can - you don't have to pay the price on the ticket you know! ask for a cash discount :)


...and how much money that's saved me over the years! priceless tips can be free you know :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by John

I do think you get what you pay for.

Cheap DVD players @ £40 will more likely lack features than a £100 model.



I got a "Compacks" DVD player for 39.99 and it plays everything, multi region, mpegs, jpegs, mp3s CDA as well as DVDs and 'preview' releases of DVDs (ok pirates)


My colleagues several hundred pound DVD player does not do as well on that score. But it does have nicer buttons and a slightly more palatble interface. Cost of buttons? about £130.

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Cheap products are made in cheap countries with a poor populace and quite possibly a poor human rights record and minimal legislation.

Fair trades products we buy them!

European consumer goods we buy them!

Do they cost more? of course.

But at least we don't finance regimes that run over their own people with tanks!


Enjoy your bargains!

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If you are in any way whatsoever engaged with the capitalist economy, then you are contributing your £tax to despotic regimes whose human rights record is worse than apalling.


I can take it from your post that nothing in your house comes from the USA, China, N.Korea, Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia?

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I cant even imagine what it would have been like before they started spelling Dence with a P.


Quality of goods and service has definately dropped, and as for value for money, you get what you pay for.


You can pick up 'mountainbikes' for £39.99 and DVD players for £12, and you do get your money's worth.

Your money's worth and nothing more.

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Originally posted by jackthedog

I cant even imagine what it would have been like before they started spelling Dence with a P.



I remember when people used to pay each other using Lsd.

No wonder everyone was so tripped out in the sixties.


Quality of goods and service has definately dropped, and as for value for money, you get what you pay for.


You can pick up 'mountainbikes' for £39.99 and DVD players for £12, and you do get your money's worth.

Your money's worth and nothing more.


£25 buys a lot of chinese made DVD player. Especially as they are assembled by political prisoners, who when their fingers are worn down too far, are executed and their organs harvested for transplant into rich Taiwanese patients. That's why they are so cheap.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

£25 buys a lot of chinese made DVD player. Especially as they are assembled by political prisoners, who when their fingers are worn down too far, are executed and their organs harvested for transplant into rich Taiwanese patients. That's why they are so cheap.

That isn't remotely funny :mad: Where's your proof P?

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Hey Phan

you can take it from me, in our house we try not to confuse quality with quantity and we always look at country of origin and make decisions after taking this into consideration.

So although we may not have total control over our money due to the capitalist system we all live in as you point out , we can at least exercise some control.

It might not change the whole world, but it influences our immediate family environment enormously.

My kids are growing up in the knowledge that good stuff is attainable and that there's no need to accept second best.

After all if you only get one crack at living, why sell yourself short!

And bear in mind these are material possesions anyway and pail into insignificance at the side of human rights and life in general.

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